CAI-NJ September 2021

MANAGEMENT TRENDS... from page 56.

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events. I hope to hear that you will be attending an event in the future, because LAC relies on these funds for the committee to be successful. We also need to thank the members of CAI-NJ Chapter, including the Board of Directors, for their continued support. DB: I support the LAC ’s efforts and attend as many as I can. If a member is unable to attend an event, what can they do to support LAC ? LR: LAC gives legislative updates throughout the year, and as a home- owner leader, community manager, or business partner you should be encouraged to attend these events to keep in the know of what’s happen- ing at the capital. If you are unable to attend, please always check the CAI-NJ website at for more information. Many of our attor- ney business partners also send out updates to the membership as well. Also, you can always donate to PAC via the website. DB: In closing, why would you en- courage other CAI members to partic- ipate in LAC events and perhaps join the committee? LR: I may be aging myself here, but do you remember Schoolhouse Rock? This cartoon came on during the after-school specials. I remember watching “Mr. Bill” and singing along to “I’m Just a Bill” and always being fascinated on how a bill goes through different stages to become a law. The NJ-LAC has brought that cartoon to life for me. I want to be in tune with

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