CAI-NJ September 2021

CA-PAC... from page 43.

what is going on in our state legislature and how it could affect our communities, and even our jobs. There is nothing better than being educated and confident in what you are expressing to your communities. Stay tuned for more infor- mation on this committee and when volunteers are need- ed. Again, I can’t state enough the importance of attending the LAC events to get the latest updates. It’s great education and good networking. DB: Sounds like you are very passionate about our industry and where it is heading with regards to legislature and educating us along the way. Thank you so much for your time and effort on the committee and taking the time to participate in this article. LR: You’re welcome, but the committee deserves the largest standing ovation and round of applause (maybe a biased opinion) for the time and effort poured into this year. Each and every person plays a pivotal role in gathering facts, voicing opinions, and even managing the funds. It’s a pleasure and an honor to sit next to them and watch them work their magic. n

our legislative priorities. By the way, it receives no funding from CAI or your membership fees. CA-PAC has allowed us to have a strong presence at fundraising events for key legislators, enabling us to person- ally discuss the importance of our communities in the state of New Jersey. Through your contributions to CA-PAC , we are able to gain access to key decision- makers and lend our financial support to our friends in the Legislature who repeatedly stand with us. So, when you receive requests for contributions to CA-PAC or the LAC asks you to take action and call your elected officials, remember these are all important tools in our advocacy toolbox that have helped us get the attention of lawmakers on your behalf. CA-PAC is funded only by our private contributions. I hope CIC residents remember this when the CA-PAC asks for “A Dollar a Door”! You will find a CA-PAC funding request on page 13 in this issue. n

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