2023 Annual Awards Nominees

Candice Bladt Community Manager of the Year Nominees

she got the help she needed and was comfortable in a nursing home (while the home also knew that someone was looking out for her). Although this was what was needed, I struggle sometimes with that decision as Covid then hit and nursing homes were not the ideal situation to be in. Unfortunately, Ms. Judy passed away in 2021 from Covid. Ms. Judy had shared with me a funny memory of when she was young and vivacious on the game show $10K Pyramid with her partner Tony Randall. Cherished memories from my work life!

Barbara Parker: Since the initial outbreak of Covid, I have taken on additional responsibilities with board permission to be a liaison with Montgomery Township Board of Health to utilize the Pike Run Clubhouse to administer Covid injections, boosters and flu shots. The partnership grew to a monthly Walk in Clinic for Township residents where medical/sanitary protocols are followed with removal of Clubhouse furniture and new set up needed with tables/ chairs placed in a clinic formation for patients. The Clinic continues now as needed. During Covid the School Board asked to use the parking lot for daily milk and lunch distribution for children remotely schooling. The relationship continues today with Montgomery Public Library holding story hour at the Clubhouse. I have been responsible for all coordination with Montgomery Township donating my time and thankfully achieving a sense of self-worth during Covid’s challenging months.

After receiving my NJ Real Estate license, I began my 24 year career in Property Management renting and managing apartments in Jersey City, Edgewater and Princeton. I am currently employed for 5 years as a Senior Property Manager managing single family homes and a Master’s Association at Pike Run, Belle Mead, NJ. After 14 years in the rental market I wanted to advance my career and became interested into managing HOAs. Managing HOAs was different, however, it was a transition that became easier with gaining knowledge within the industry. All of this experience gave me the opportunity to move ahead in my career. My career path journey has led me to understand what to value within myself and the value I can give to my employer and my Board. My take away is simple. If you do not fit the property that property you manage probably does not fit you. With all the responsibilities of a Property Manager, Board correspondence/meeting/budgets contracts/site inspections, etc. the day is never ending, but now I have found a property giving me the right fit. I am grateful for the support of my employer and the Pike Run Master Association Board of Trustees that includes 11 Board members appreciating my services. I would like to thank CAI-NJ and its members as I am honored to receive this nomination. Lastly, in every job interview in property management, I try to express Property Management is probably the only career that you can leave your home everyday and come to an environment of someone else’s home to care for their home as you would yours.

Holly Teufel, CMCA, AMS: I believe I was nominated for Manager of the Year for my proven history and current ability to manage and operate a large, full-time community, while also managing a growing portfolio. I believe whomever nominated me knows my longevity in this industry, my involvement with CAI-NJ, my visible hunger and excitement for opportunities to learn, and my ability to not only thrive but excel in managing communities that most consider challenging. My desire to obtain my credentials has always been a priority and I’m currently working towards the PCAM. I believe I was nominated because I’m vocal about my future in this industry, striving to evolve from a manager to a role in leadership. I’m consistent in seeking possible new business connections and have a natural knack for sales, bringing together new relationships for management companies I have worked for. I believe my overall industry knowledge, that I’m teachable, and that I am not timid and embrace pressure, makes me a strong and confident manager.

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