2023 Annual Awards Nominees
Candice Bladt Community Manager of the Year Nominees
be the MOST deserving of this prestigious award, I am probably the happiest community manager I know. My history into this fun world of Property Management started in 2010 when I took a position as an Administrative Assistant at Harmon Cove Towers in Secaucus, NJ. While it wasn’t what I ever envisioned for a career path I embraced it and never looked back. I worked in the management office performing many day to day tasks and even worked with the contractors/ engineers on a garage reconstruction project relocating as many as 100 cars for extended periods of time while their area was being worked on. I was offered a position in September 2013 with Taylor Management Company managing Carlton Tower Condominium Association, a 21-story aging high-rise with 228 residential units. The building was built in 1964 and converted from apartments to condos in 1990. My time at Carlton Tower has been an amazing journey. Being a one-person office, I cannot delegate or pass blame for any missteps. As many know managing an aging property has its own challenges. I am currently working with my Board on a multi-million dollar loan to perform all the items on the reserve study and several capital improvements. The major job will be a garage and parking deck reconstruction. Being the sole contact person for the 500+ residents can be challenging also but I find it very rewarding. Even when tasked with calling and writing regarding violations. While it isn’t pleasant most times the residents understand and comply with my request. In addition to managing the building, I am also the “social director” who plans and organizes a large annual BBQ that started in 2016. The community always has a great time and I appreciate the love that comes back to me. One thing I am sure of is that while I try my best to be the best manager I can, I am nothing without my in-house maintenance staff, housekeeping, concierge and all the vendors I work with. They all make me look good and for that I am grateful. While I have my CMCA and AMS credentials currently, my 3 year plan is to obtain the all-important PCAM!
Sherri O’Keefe: I have been in the property management business for almost 30 years managing condos, co-ops, rentals and commercial space in both New Jersey and New York. I have worked with a few management companies as well as self-managed properties. I am happy to currently be part of the Taylor Team. Along the way I have been mentored by some of the best colleagues, who have taught me the value of great leadership. I am so lucky to have cultivated so many lasting friendships. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly and can certainly tell some interesting stories as well ! I absolutely love what I do and am extremely passionate about my work. I strongly believe that teamwork is essential to succeeding. I know that there are MANY that are deserving of this award, and it is truly a surprise and honor just to be nominated.
It can be difficult dealing with the various politics and multiple personalities managing a community association and I embrace the challenges. I have forged great relationships with the clients along the way. I have left and been offered to come back to properties I have managed multiple times. I am currently with Taylor Management and thank them for providing me with this opportunity to work with a great team. This was not my career of choice and I pretty much fell into property management, as many have, but I love my choice ! I have had success in managing the day-to-day business as well as overseeing many multi-million-dollar replacement projects. I think the greatest accomplishment is the awesome relationships that have been formed along the way with everyone residents, vendors and co-workers. Many memories and the best party shenanigans. I run the business side, but there is also the human side in dealing with many situations. I am an empathetic person. I was managing a rental property when working in NYC and had a very elderly resident that had been living in the building for almost all of her life. She did not have any family and had a few elderly friends in other states. It was clear that her health was diminishing for a long time. She needed assistance and there was no one to help. I knew I had to step in. She was in some very unpleasant situations, not eating properly, poor hygiene, hoarding and dementia setting in quickly. She was scared and lonely. I offered her my friendship did what I could and fought long and hard with the system in NYC to get her the help she needed and deserved. After several years of fighting,
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