Nominee Packet 2022
Check out all of our award nominees!
Gigi Brunson: My Name is Gigi Brunson and, I am a Community Manager with Taylor Management Company, AAMC. AMO. The 19-year career I nurtured has manifested into an outstanding opportunity to provide exceptional services to my clients. The leadership management style I adopt is a testament to the professionalism and respect for my role as a Community Manager.
The experience that I bring to the management profession gives me the edge to how I made a difference to my community overall. I am a skilled negotiator who prioritizes risk management, conflict resolution, and the development of a cohesive standard operating procedure to accommodate the community. My primary focus is to improve the clients’ financials by preparing the most accurate budget, staying within the costs, and having a surplus to carry into the next fiscal year. The goal is to prevent special assessments and significant increases in management fees. I can accomplish the task by the efforts of successful contract negotiations, project bidding, and dealing with insurance renewal and claims. I will do anything to avoid significant increases in cost, legal and maintenance fees. Having a solid team that understands and respects your work ethic is the key to being a successful manager. I connect with my vendors personally and treat everyone with respect. I will never ask someone to do something that I am unwilling to do myself. I go over and beyond to help out anyone I can because it is my pleasure to do so. I am always willing to pitch in for the good of the community regardless of the mission. I understand my role as a leader, and I enjoy my work. I take pride in making a positive difference both personally and professionally. The passion and the pride that I put into my work are a testament to my accomplishment. I am truly devoted to enhancing the lives of my homeowners, and it is essential to build good relationships with vendors and co-workers. I am delighted to be nominated for the CAI-NJ Candice Bladt Community Manager of the Year Award. It is something that I will be proud to receive and honor.
Maria Cassidy, CMCA: There were many influencers and experiences that led to my career in Community Association Management. My parents emphasized the value of a positive mindset and encouraged self-development. My experience in musical ensembles mirrors the importance of building a strong staff. The combined effort and focus of each staff member are similar to the discipline and sensibility required by each musician to achieve beautiful sound. As a manager I have learned to focus on the people rather than singular tasks. Recognize and encourage their individual talents to form a strong and cohesive team.
Faced with challenges I learned to be open minded and flexible in order to achieve the end goal. My studies in Fine Arts in Florence Italy required me to assimilate to a new culture, people and language to successfully develop as an artist. As a manager I employ this ability to adapt and be receptive to new ideas when guiding the Board and staff through challenging experiences. There is the need to be forward looking and prepare for what may be coming. Later I developed computer graphics skills and launched my career of 15 years with Lehman Brothers in NYC. This afforded a desired lifestyle for my husband and I as we raised 4 children. Managers are required to shift gears and prioritize as issues arise. The tragic events of 9/11 precipitated my family to relocate to the Jersey Shore. In 2006 I began my career in Community Management, soon after obtained the designation of CMCA. In 2012, I accepted a position with FirstService Residential, AAMC and participated in the Emerging Leaders Program while maintaining the position of manager of Greenbriar Woodlands of Toms River. Since 2012, I have partnered with the board, working together to uphold the community’s reputation as one of the most desirable communities in Ocean County. This group of forward thinkers was awarded Board of the Year for a Largescale Community by CAI in 2019. My creative side is where I exercise my intuitiveness to “see the big picture”, heighten awareness, and see the possibilities of what can be in the areas we as managers touch.
SvetlanaMalinsky, CMCA: SvetlanaMalinsky has been in the associationmanagement industry for over six years, getting her start as the Financial Associate at a large community in Princeton. From there, she went on to manage a very active lifestyle community in West Windsor, where Svetlana handles every aspect of the community operations. She oversees landscaping, snow removal, irrigation, pool operations, clubhouse maintenance and repairs, paving/crack filling/ seal coating/power washing projects, and everything in between. She is detailed, hands-on, and knowledgeable when it comes to all areas of property management. Her favorite part of the job is learning from vendor professionals and problem solving. She is a dedicated manager who even during the pandemic, while the clubhouse was closed to the public, was in her onsite office every single day to ensure that all maintenance tasks and community operations were carried out as planned. As a Lifestyle Director, Svetlana plans social events: from simple barbecues to 50-location scavenger hunts. This includes budgeting, purchasing, coordinating catering and entertainment, and promoting to the community. She is action and results-oriented, enthusiastic, resourceful, creative, and decisive - which are all necessary qualities for a Community Manager. Svetlana has saved the association thousands of dollars by being knowledgeable in many repairs and the costs associated with them. Being fiscally responsible is always her top priority. She has been praised for her excellent organizational skills. As one homeowner said, “[she is] always receptive, ambitious and friendly, there is never a time when she isn’t willing to not only help, but fulfill requests and answer any questions”. She has a positive, can-do attitude with a focus on finding solutions. Her motto is “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well”, and she exemplifies that in going above and beyond in her work, exceeding her residents’ expectations. Svetlana graduated from Baruch College in NYC, and earned Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA©) designation in 2017. In her spare time, she enjoys an active lifestyle as well as home improvement projects. She is honored and absolutely grateful to be nominated for the Candice Bladt Community Manager of the Year award.
Angela Rada: It is an honor to be acknowledged by CAI-NJ as a candidate for Community Manager of the Year. I began my career in property management back in 2014 when I worked as a part time fill-in during the summer months at Taylor Management Company, AAMC, AMO. Since I am a people-person I was initially intrigued by the job and quickly saw how naturally it came to me. When the opportunity came around to join Taylor Management on a full-time basis, I knew it was something I wanted to pursue. I started at Tower West Apartments as a property administrator in 2015. Tower West, a 193- unit condominium located in West New York was built in 1965, and in 1975 earned the distinction of being the first apartment building to convert to condominiums. After working as an administrator for nine-months alongside three different property managers, the board decided to move me into the property manager role rather than introduce someone new. With the support of the association president and the owner of Taylor Management, Paul Santoriello,
I found myself starting 2016 as the new property manager for Tower West Apartments. After almost six years in this position, I am proud to say that I am the longest tenured manager the building has ever had, and have enjoyed working on the various projects and development we have successfully put forth under my direction. I have been directly involved with various capital improvement projects that have helped the building evolve into a more sustainable property. Throughout my time we have replaced all riser pipes for heating and air conditioning, undertaken a huge chiller replacement project and renovated a multi-tiered parking garage space. We have also successfully completed lobby and balcony renovation projects in order to re-vamp and revitalize the spaces. In addition to my work at the property, I recently passed the M-100 course and look forward to taking the M-200 course in order to qualify for my CMCA. I enjoy my days spent at Tower West with my residents and colleagues and I look forward to continuing to work alongside them for years to come.
Nicole Martone, CMCA, AMS, PCAM: I am honored to have been nominated for the Candice Bladt Manager of the Year for 2021. As I reflect on what this nomination really means, I found myself questioning what makes a good manager. Is it my 20 plus years of experience in the property management industry? Is it my involvement in CAI and educational initiatives? Or is it my attention to detail and empathetic nature? These are all certainly aspects that help round out my management style, but there isn’t any one thing that I can really say is my magic recipe for success. I decided to ask a few of my colleagues what their thoughts are on this. Here’s what they had to say: “I have known Nicole for over six months and in it that short period of time, I have found her to be one of the most intellectual and hardworking individuals I have ever met. Nicole is very dedicated to the property management industry and to Associa as well. She possesses, in my opinion, all the qualities that allows her to be a very successful Vice President/Property Manager for Associa; but
more importantly, a wonderful and caring person.” - Anonymous “I am supervised by Nicole and find her to understand the intricacies of property management while possessing the ability to work with boards, owners/residents, vendors, etc. I have witnessed her in very volatile situations with Boards and her demeanor and calm responses defused potentially toxic outcomes.” - Anonymous “I have been reporting to Ms. Nicole Martone as my supervisor for three years. The patience, time, and guidance she spent mentoring me during my first few months on the job have been a blessing to me. Her knowledge and skills have added to my understanding of the job, making it easy to learn and work in the field. Ms. Martone possesses the qualities that make a good Manager, Supervisor, and VP of Operations; this is why there was no surprise that she was nominated for the CAI-NJ Candice Bladt Manager of the Year Award.” - Anonymous
Shirley Santos: I have been married to my husband Peter for 35 years. We have two wonderful sons, P.J. (Peter Jr) and Nicholas. In 2008, I started my career in Property Management with a great company. There I had the opportunity to gain experience with a talented team and evolve into a skilled Community Manager. In 2015 I moved on to Taylor Management Company, AAMC, AMO. At Taylor, I continued to grow and expand my management skills. The job of the Community Manager is broad and often complex. Every day there is always something new. Every day there are problems to be solved. I am a firm believer that it takes a team to manage a community and that is something at which I excel. Working collaboratively with and serving my Board, is a priority of mine and one of my greatest strengths. My personal leadership and management philosophy requires teambuilding, effective communication, transparency, building trust, developing, and executing strategies and watching the bottom line on finances. The past two years have been
difficult in every way possible but, with Taylor’s continuing support and leadership, I had all the tools needed to support my board and community. Working together, we made some extremely tough decisions that allowed the community residents to remain safe yet enjoy activities. I manage an Adult Community in Monroe. It takes challenging work, sweat, and yes tears (mostly mine) but we have transformed into a community that is properly maintained. Most importantly, the community is harmonious, and we all are thriving. I am honored to have been nominated and thank you for your consideration.
Shelby Evans, CPA, CMCA: Technically, I started full-time in the community association industry about six years ago. However, my father started GEM Property Management around the time I was born. My childhood was mainly spent at the office stuffing envelopes, organizing files, writing up maintenance deposit slips, and driving them to the banks (before everything was paid online!) I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was so lucky to have the opportunity to overhear board meetings, go to on-site visits with my dad and learn so much about the industry just by osmosis. Now, I thoroughly enjoy being a portfolio manager at GEM Property Management, located in Totowa, NJ. Over the past few years, we have tripled the number of properties managed and doubled our staff. While there have definitely been long nights and unique challenges, I am so happy to be a part of this industry. The camaraderie between property managers, vendors, and board members makes it all worth it.
During my time with CAI-NJ, I have obtained my CMCA and have been an active member of the F.A.S.T. Committee. I am proud to have helped fund raise for Make-A-Wish New Jersey through F.A.S.T.’s Paint & Sip event, Olympics and Kickball Tournament, as well as assisted with the Adopt-A-Family initiative through Snaps with Santa at the Winter Break Party. I cherish the value of CAI-NJ, and the chapter really feels like family! A big thank you to all the industry leaders who picked up the phone and assisted me through solving a complicated problem and all the vendors that performed amazing work at the properties, creating a positive reflection in the eyes of the association’s board of directors! This industry is a relationship business, and I truly appreciate the atmosphere CAI-NJ cultivates to allow these relationships to grow. Outside of work, I love to read at the beach, paddleboard, and attend yoga workout classes. Also, I love long walks with my dog, Walter, while listening to podcasts. In the future years, I look forward to obtaining additional management certifications, helping the chapter meaningfully grow, and providing an excellent property management experience to all the residents and associations I am involved with.
Lauren Vadenais: Lauren Vadenais is the Director of Business Development for Rezkom Enterprises, Inc. assisting community associations throughout New Jersey with on-site porter, maintenance, and carpentry services. Lauren oversees all new business sales, retention, and customer relations. Rezkom has been serving Community Associations with their customized service plans for over 32 years and is a proud Ultimate Partner for CAI-NJ. Lauren has been a member of CAI-NJ for 10 years and has served on several committees including the Awards, Spring Break and Beach Party. Lauren really dug her heels into the F.A.S.T Committee as a founding member and has served as Chair to this committee twice since its inception in 2015. She was so honored to receive the Committee Chair of the Year Award in 2018 for her efforts on F.A.S.T. Lauren spearheaded the creation of the Adopt-A-
Family fundraiser which F.A.S.T has been hosting since 2017 to help support local families with gifts for the holidays. Lastly, she is honored to have been nominated by the membership for the Outstanding Young Professional of the Year Award.
JoseRomero: Hieveryone,mynameisJoseRomero.IamtheBusinessDevelopmentSpecialistwith ClearviewWashing,NJ’s PremierExteriorCleaningCompany. I am26years oldandhaveworked in sales andbusiness development almostmy entireprofessional career. I graduated fromRutgers University – New Brunswick in 2017 with a B.A in Economics and a minor in Entrepreneurship. I met the owners, Fred and Freddie, in December of 2019. As soon as I had a conversation with them, I knew that Clearview Washing was the type of organization I wanted to be part of. I was looking for a company that shared my core values of integrity, transparency, and respect while also having the desire to grow. By January of 2020 I begin my journey with Clearview Washing.Thehunger, thedrive, andthecare fromeveryone is incredible!Everyonedoes theirpart to make sure that we are constantly growing. Ownership creates an atmosphere that encourages innovation and creative thinking, the sales division is always looking for new opportunities, the field crew takes pride in their work, and the office team sets everyone up for success! This is
what gets me excited to go into the office every day. I know that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal! Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like I amworking for an exterior cleaning company but rather a tech company in Silicon Valley! I am very happy to be part of Clearview Washing and seeing how much we will grow together in the next few years. On a more personal side, I am part of the New Jersey Army National Guard. I am a CBRN specialist for the 50th Chemical Company in Somerset, NJ. I also celebrated my one year anniversary with my wife in October by going our first ever cruise! Although we were both worried about sea sickness we had a better time than expected. Such a good time that we almost booked another cruise while on the cruise! Some of my hobbies are playing and watching soccer (although it has been a bad year for Barcelona), going to concerts, watching movies, and learning to cook from my wife.
Nick Haralambopoulos, CPA: Nick Haralambopoulos is the Vice President of Financial Operations at Taylor Management Company, AAMC, AMO where he oversees the accounting department of nearly 25 accounting professionals. Leveraging his 13 years of experience in public accounting and auditing, Nick also focuses on establishing and monitoring policies and procedures that are in keeping with “best industry practices”, strengthening internal controls and constantly improving overall efficiencies within the accounting department. Nick has a bachelor of science degree in accounting from The College of New Jersey and is a member of the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants (NJCPA) and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Prior to Taylor, Nick worked 13 years for the firm WilkinGuttenplan CPAs, where he focused on audits of community associations and nonprofit organizations.
Nick’s leadership role at TaylorManagement is a direct result of his depth of experience and competence as a financial professional specializing in accounting for condominium and other common interest realty associations. His enthusiasm for both cutting edge technology and maximizing efficiency will ensure Taylor maintains a sound reputation as an industry leader. Nick is the former chair (2019) of the Membership Committee and former Chair of the Ambassadors Committee (2020) for Community Associations Institute of NJ (CAI-NJ). As Chair of the Membership Committee, the committee was able to help CAI-NJ become the second largest CAI Chapter and CAI National awarded the NJ Chapter the Best Net Growth Award (26%) for a very large chapter in the 2019 calendar year. Nick is currently a member of the Membership Committee and CAI-NJ Finance Committee.
David Velasco: David Velasco has been a member of CAI- NJ for 4 years. Starting his career serving the multi-family housing industry while working for Lifetime Tool & Building Products in Business Development. David joined several chapters of CAI to make the largest impact possible but focused most of his attention on the New Jersey and Keystone Chapters. In 2021, David switched careers and started working for JGS Insurance. With the support of the JGS Team, he has become a leader in education for the complex insurance industry for countless property managers, board members, and business partners. Dave has had success in a very short time by creating a strong network both virtually and in person during one of the most difficult times we have ever seen. David is active in the Business Partner Committee for the past 4 years and now holds the Committee Chair position. He has facilitated the Educated Business Partner Educational series on multiple occasions and holds the coveted designation himself.
Dave’s aspiration is to connect people and bring value to the entire CAI-NJ membership. In 2022, he intends to be present at all CAI events and visible through education opportunities. If you don’t know David yet, there is no doubt that you will soon.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2022 | 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM The Event Center @IPA | 104 Schanck Road | Freehold, NJ 07728
Whittingham Homeowner’s Association: The Whittingham Homeowners Association (WHOA) Board of Trustees consists of seven board members. Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the board members met multiple times a week via Zoom. Board members researched the CDC recommendations, Federal and Local Health Department Regulations and met with the Association’s legal counsel to determine how to best keep all residents of the community safe and healthy. As soon as CDC guidance advised that outdoor activities were reasonably safe, the Board converted one of the tennis courts and the clubhouse
patio into multi-purpose spaces for activities that were previously indoor activities, such as line dancing, yoga and ping pong. The WHOA Board quickly adopted the Zoom Meeting Platform to continue hosting open meetings for residents and keep everyone updated. Once indoor amenities were able to reopen, the board carefully drafted policies for masks and temperature checks to promote a safe environment. Facial recognition tablets were installed at the clubhouse entrances to check that residents were properly wearing a mask and did not have a fever prior to the doors opening. All these innovations were put into place in an effort to keep the residents active, engaged and healthy. While the majority of amenities remained closed for the health and safety of residents, the board took that opportunity to renovate several areas in the clubhouse and included touchless faucets, appliances and water bottle fill stations to promote a safer, cleaner environment. Food trucks were a huge hit during the pandemic. The association reached out to as many food trucks as possible and also some local restaurants and caterers to offer the residents meal delivery options. Many residents were nervous to venture out to restaurants or eat indoors with friends and neighbors. These food trucks and delivery services brought much needed variety and social iteration to otherwise isolated residents. It has been a very trying and scary year for all of us! It has been a pleasure to work with a board so dedicated to the health and welfare of its residents both mentally and physically.
Leisure Village East Association is a happy, energetic active adult community in Lakewood, where the birds, swans, geese and turkeys add to the ambiance of the village. COVID-19 interfered with the 50th Anniversary celebration, so the champagne was placed on hold! A bound book capturing special events, clubs and people including, NJ Senators, Governors and 1st Lady Barbara Bush through the years, was published. US News/World Report and NBC featured LVE on senior living. The board of seven negotiated the Union Contract for maintenance and ground employees.
November 7, 2020 at 4:45pm a fire erupted and burned 3 out of 4 attached homes. Fortunately, no one was at home and all pets were rescued. The OC Fire Inspector declared the fire started in the electrical panel. The Underwriter mandated panels over 30 years be replaced. Legal created a Resolution to that effect. Between inspections and supplies, the homes are not completed yet by Accurate Reconstruction, but will be soon. Capital Reserve Study Accomplishments: several contractors vetted for various projects, replacement of pier/dock and gazebo at sunset lake, aluminum siding to vinyl scrubbed due to lumber increases of $88k, painting will begin in Spring 2022, gatehouse interior refurbishing contract, security exit arm installed and entry updated for safety with lights and all projects are fully funded through the replacement fund accounts. LVE was one of the first to offer COVID vaccinations to over 800 residents on property. This past December 14, the booster shot was given. Circle Park was created to enable a spot of tranquility for residents. There was a change in trustees, due to health and personal concerns. The accounting department was outsourced. During COVID, residents were informed of board business through Zoom, One Call, fliers and the website. Summer of 2020 found the pool and Barton Hall closed. In 2021, the pool and outside activities were opened with strict enforcement of rules. Business as usual regarding concrete, paving, railings and painting continued. Barton Hall had an exterior face lift, as well as the interior of the hall. We are in the midst of a housing boom and welcome new residents to become involved and share new thoughts to keep our village vibrant. Our aim is to reflect the type of lifestyle we all enjoy.
Elements at West Windsor Homeowners Association: Elements at West Windsor HOA is a 156 single-family home, active adult community. Amenities include an indoor pool, fitness facility, lounge, activity rooms, and grand groom at their beautiful clubhouse as well as outdoor amenities including a pool, playground, community garden, walking paths, and ponds.
What makes Elements community extraordinary: • Board member involvement and support; • Financial savviness and future planning;
• Active social life and many well-attended events; • Eight different committees and several interest-clubs; • Caring residents celebrating life’s milestones even in quarantine times (walking outside with music to celebrate with those staying home); • Small community but all the amenities of a larger one. Well maintained grounds; • Great relationships with vendors; • And the amazing property manager of course.
Northbridge Park Co-Op: Northbridge Park Co-Op is a 280 unit luxury highrise in Fort Lee, NJ proudly managed by RCP Management Company, AAMC, AMO since 2013. Located just three short blocks from the George Washington Bridge, NBP is situated high on the Palisades in a quiet cul de sac away from the hustle and bustle of Fort Lee traffic. Floor plans feature an unsurpassed spaciousness which is evident in every apartment. One, two, and three bedroom layouts are available, each with its own terrace, not to mention spectacular views of the GWB, the Palisades, and Manhattan from sunrise to sunset.
Northbridge Park is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors that are committed tomaintaining the building’s physical assets as well as ensuring the financial health of the association to the benefit of all shareholders. The board works along with the loyal and professional staff as well as an exceptional management team onsite to deliver one of a kind experience for their residents. Northbridge Park Coop is the ideal residence for any modern lifestyle and the diverse resident population offers a true sense of community. World Class Services: Individual AC/Heating Controls, Valet/Cleaners on-site, professional security services, 24 hour doorman, indoor parking, each floor has 2 state of the art laundry facilities, community building management systems, and more! Indoor Amenities: State of the art fitness center, children’s playroom, community room featuring a full modern kitchen, playing card facilities, high-end audio/visual systems and a library. Outdoor Amenities & Activities: Swimming pool, basketball court, 2 tennis courts, children’s playground, sun deck and bike room. Scenic trails and historical national parks located nearby and easily accessed by foot, bicycle, or car. Northbridge Park recently joined CAI-NJ and is very excited to be part of the community! The board looks forward to the benefits of membership including educational opportunities for homeowner leaders along with industry knowledge, resources, and relationships that CAI-NJ offers to its members.
Montgomery Hills Homeowners Association: Montgomery Hills HOA is part of a 441 multi-association community with a Master Association, Homeowners Association, and Condominium Association. The community is unique in that the three boards all work cooperatively together to govern the community with a single vision and purpose. Many of the board members have served since the community was built in the early 2000’s. The boards also work cooperatively to serve as ADR committees for each other. Is a beautiful community located right outside of Princeton in Montgomery Township, NJ, conveniently located in between Philadelphia and New York. The homes are well maintained and nestled within wooded areas, mature trees, and desirable landscapes. The board members are familiar with the community and actively involved with day-to-day operations. They are fiscally responsible and delinquencies are consistently low. Deferred maintenance and capital improvement projects are reviewed regularly and performed in an effort to maintain the standard of living the homeowners are accustomed to. The boards work with the Design Committee to create modification standards and rules and regulations in an effort to enhance property values. The homeowners are from diverse backgrounds and cultures which creates a true sense of community. They are proud of where they live and how they maintain their homes. The community is surrounded by forests and beautiful natural areas with walking paths throughout the community as well as three playgrounds, two tennis courts and a basketball court.
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