February 2017
$ponsorships…I have to touch on sponsorships, whether you feel pas- sionately that sponsoring events is important or not, the value they pro- vide can absolutely be beneficial to your company’s exposure. One of the great things about CAI-NJ’s sponsor- ship opportunities is that they can be affordable to even the smaller mar- keting budgets. There certainly are sponsorship opportunities exceeding a few thousand dollars, but if you are not in the position to take on one of these top dollar sponsorships, make sure you are thinking about the ben- efits of a smaller one. For example, the Annual Awards Dinner provides a Great opportunity for an ad in the program. This can be a full page ad at $250 or a half page ad at $150, by taking either option, your ad is in the hands of nearly 300 of the top industry professionals, a priceless opportunity. Each event has an array of lower cost options that I strongly encourage you to check out. And we are always open to suggestions on how we can make the sponsorship opportunities better for you. I hope that the ideas you have read above help you in your success with your CAI-NJ membership. Make sure to join us for the upcoming events list- ed on page 7 of this issue. And make sure to reach out to us here at CAI-NJ and provide us with feedback on how we can make your membership better. n INSIDE CONNECTION... from page 11.
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