CAI-NJ September 2021


By Denise Becker, CMCA, PCAM and Lisa Rayca, CMCA, AMS, Corner Property Management, AAMC

“Well, it’s a long, long journey to the capital city. It’s a long, long wait while I’m sitting in committee,

But I know I’ll be a law someday… At least I hope and pray that I will But today I am still just a bill.” — Schoolhouse Rock

JakeOlimb/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images

[Author’s Note: This month’s Manager Committee article will be a little different. Lisa Rayca, CMCA, AMS of Corner Property Management and liaison to the NJ Chapter Legislative Action Committee ( NJ-LAC ), has agreed to an interview regarding a manager’s perspective of legislative actions and the committee itself.] Denise Becker (DB): Thank you Lisa, I really appreciate you taking the time for us today. Lisa Rayca (LR): It is my pleasure. I am passionate about how New Jersey legislation can affect Common Interest Communities ( CIC s), both positively and, unfortunately, neg- atively. DB: Tell me a little bit about the make-up of the committee. LR: The NJ-LAC , which was created in 1993, consists of community managers, community business partners, and homeowner leaders who have been volunteering their time on behalf of all of New Jersey’s CIC s. The LAC advocates for community association issues, monitors pending legisla- tion, along with building relationships and educating state legislators. DB: What has the NJ-LAC been working on? LR: You may have heard of the most recent bill that the

LAC championed, which is the Tort Immunity bill. As you may recall, the New Jersey and Keystone (PA/South Jersey) chapters had a call to action for member and non-member support. This particular bill went through quite the roller coaster, as it was thought to pass once it hit the State Senate, only to quickly learn it required edits. The LAC reviewed the requested edits and once made, it went back out to vote, passed, then signed into law. It should be noted that this bill is only effective until December 31, 2021 and requires specific signage to be placed in common areas with the Tort Immunity Guidelines. (Please go to for examples of the proper notice required). DB: Wow, that sounds like a lot of time and effort went into passing that bill. LR: It certainly did, and the NJ-LAC should be commended for their hard work and efforts that they have put in over the years. This committee has been very strategic in work- ing with our state legislators in reviewing, proposing, and revising bills that fit the needs of community associations. DB: Where does LAC get its support? LR: LAC is supported primarily through fundraising from the Political Action Committee ( PAC ). The committee counts on the CAI membership to attend PAC fundraising CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 58


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