CAI-NJ September 2021

Yes, I’d like to support CA-PAC with a pledge!

PLEASE NOTE: Sorry, CA-PAC cannot accept credit cards. Please make your CORPORATE or PERSONAL CHECK payable and mail to: CA-PAC, 500 Harding Road, Freehold, NJ 07728

I AM A...

____ Community Association Manager. You represent a company or association who manages CAI-NJ communities.

____ Community Supporter. You represent a business that supports CAI-NJ communities with services or products.

____ Community Resident. You live in a CAI-NJ community and want to see it grow strong.

My Association/Management company is making a PAC gift of:

___ $250 ___ $500 ___ $1000 or $________

___ $100 ___ $250 ___ $500 or $________

My supporting business is making a PAC gift of:

I am personally making a PAC gift of:

___ $50 ___ $100 ___ $250 or $________

Community/Company: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Individual Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MailingAddress:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________________________Fax: ________________________________________________ Email:________________________________ Occupation:______________________ Employer:_____________________________________ Employer Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP:______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sorry, CA-PAC cannot accept credit cards. Please make your CORPORATE or PERSONAL CHECK payable and mail to: CA-PAC, 500 Harding Road, Freehold, NJ 07728

Management Company Name: _________________________________________ (Community Association’s Only)


The New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission requires us to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of the employer of contributors whose contribution exceeds $300 in a calendar year. Contributions to CA-PAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are not limited to suggested amounts. CA-PAC will not favor nor disadvantage anyone based upon the amounts or failure to make PAC Contributions. Voluntary political contributions are subject to limitations of ELEC regulations. CA-PAC contributions are not considered payment of CAI dues. TO DONATE TO CA-PAC, SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO: CA-PAC, 500 Harding Road, Freehold, NJ 07728

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