CAI-NJ September 2021


Walk the halls of our capitol in Trenton and you see a lot of doors… doors to legislator’s offices… doors to committee rooms… doors to the Assembly and Senate chambers. It takes a lot to get through those doors. You’re not just invited in. You need a key. With a key you’re taken seriously. With a key, you get things done. THAT’S WHY CAI-NJ CARRIES THREE KEYS: • Your Legislative Action Committee (NJ-LAC): Your key eyes, ears, legs and voice in the legislative process. • Your Political Action Committee (CA-PAC): Your key contributions to support elected officials who aim to strengthen your community. • Your Professional Lobbyists: Your key, full-time pros retained by the LAC who know government’s ins and outs, advise us on who to see and when, and how to connect . WHAT CAN YOU DO?: • Take Action – Your voice is key! After meeting with elected officials and clarifying our position on pending legislation, we will alert you to the most crucial actions you can take. By calling or writing your officials, you ensure that your voice, and our agenda, is heard. • Give – Your donations are key! Supporting the PAC with your donations shows legislators that you’re serious, and that our cause counts. • Promote – Your personal influence is key! Talk about CAI-NJ’s legislative engagement in your community and business. Let fellow residents know that we’re fighting for them and their communities!

The keys only work with your support.

Make your gift to the CA-PAC today!

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