CAI-NJ Oct. 2019(w)
SPECIAL EVENT FOR COMMUNITY BOARD MEMBERS, HOMEOWNERS & COMMUNITY PROPERTY MANAGERS! This year the CAI-NJ Conference & Expo will be on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at The EVENT CENTER @iPA. There will be educational sessions throughout the day covering 5 topics, specially developed for our attendees. Everyone will have the opportunity to visit 166 professional companies, learn about the latest trends in community association services and gather advice from our experts. It’s an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and meet potential vendors for upcoming projects within your community. I I , I i r t I- f r i l r , t r , t i . r i l ti l i t r t t ri t i , i l l f r r t . r i l t rt it t i it r f i l i , l r t t l t t tr i it i ti r i t r i fr r rt . It’s rt it t t t t t ti l r f r i r j t it i r it .
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9:00 AM - 11:30AM 9:30 AM - 10:30AM Education Room - Two, 20-Minute Sessions SESSION 1 9: A - 1: 9: A - 1 : ti , i t i ic ti wit Y r C it Te - Ti
Communicating with Your Community Team - Tips and tools on effective communication within your community association and how to resolve issues between residents, board members, management and service providers, when communication breaks down. Presenter: Howard Berlowe - Denali Property Management, Inc. Harold Berlowe, Senior Property Manager at Denali Property Management, has over 30 years of experience in managing all types of properties throughout New Jersey with a specialty in multi-family properties in urban areas. Harold has handled over 20 transition litigations guiding boards and ownership through engineering analyses, attorney interactions & filings, mediations, final settlements, and rebuilding. Avoid Getting Burned Out While Playing the Game - Learn strategies on how to avoid burnout in the workplace. This 20-minute session will teach community association managers and board members how to recognize the symptoms and what activities to incorporate in your daily routine. Presenter: Elaine Warga-Murray, CMCA, AMS, PCAM - RMG, Regency Management Group, Inc., AAMC Elaine Warga-Murray, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, is the managing partner, CEO/COO of RMG, Regency Man- agement Group, Inc., AAMC. She has been a business owner for the past 32 years of a mid-sized community management firm, which currently manages over 60 communities in New Jersey. Don’t Get Caught in the Penalty Box - Discussion on what community associations are responsible for regarding maintenance and how not addressing repairs properly or hiring the wrong contractor may lead to liability issues down the road. Presenter: Ross Catanzarite - The Accent Group, Inc. Ross Catanzarite is the co-owner of The Accent Group Inc., a full-service construction and painting firm and a member of CAI since 1994. Ross Catanzarite and The Accent Group Inc. specialize in working with management companies, engineering firms, homeowner associations, and high-rise communities. Ross has over 20 years’ experience in the construction field where he has continued to uphold the highest level of continuous certification in EIFS/ stucco, roofing, siding, and decking installation. t l ti i ti it i r it i ti t r l i t r i t , r r , t r i r i r , i ti r . rese ter: H r Berl e - De li Pr ert M e e t, I c. arold Berlo e, Senior Property Manager at Denali Property Manage ent, has over 30 years of experience in managing a l types of properties throughout Ne Jersey with a specialty in multi-fa ily properties in urban areas. Harold has handled over 20 transition litigations guiding boards and o nership through engin ering analyses, a torney interactions & filings, mediations, final se tle ents, and rebuilding. v i etti r e t ile l i t e e - r tr t i t i r t i t r l . i - i t i i l t it i ti r r r t r iz t t t ti iti t i r r t i r il r ti . rese ter: El i e W r - r , C , A , P - R , Re e c M e e t r , I c., A laine Warga- u ray, C , A , P , is the managing partner, C /C of R , Regency Man- age ent Group, Inc., A . She has b en a busine s o ner for the past 32 years of a mid-sized co unity anage ent fir , which cu rently manages over 60 co unities in Ne Jersey. ’t Get C t i t e Pe lt B x - Di i t it i ti r r i l f r r r i i t t r i r ir r rl r iri t r tr t r l t li ilit i t r . rese ter: R s C t z rite - T e A ce t Gr , I c. o s Catanzarite is the co-o ner of The A cent Group Inc., a fu l-service construction and painting fir and a me ber of C I since 1 94. Ro s Catanzarite and The A cent Group Inc. specialize in working with anage ent co panies, engin ering fir s, ho eo ner a sociations, and high-rise co unities. Ro s has over 20 years’ experience in the construction field here he has continued to uphold the highest level of continuous certification in EIF / stu co, r ofing, siding, and decking insta lation.
10:30 AM - 11:15AM Education Room - 45-Minute Session 1 : A - 1:1 E ti i t i
$1,000 Drawing @ 10:45 am 1, i 1 :
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