CAI-NJ Mar. 2019 (w)
FIRE... from page 30.
Other Fire Prevention and Detection Devices Automatic Door Closer LifeDoor is a product that empha- sizes the importance of shutting inte- rior and exterior doors during a fire to thwart the spread of flames and related toxins. The stunningly simple device would be installed on existing doors, listening for the sound of smoke alarms, and shutting the door as a response, via a simple spring-loaded coil. LifeDoor was created by a firefighter who has seen one too many fire-relat- ed catastrophes that could have been averted by simply closing a door. Personal Smoke Detector App This cell phone app can turn virtual- ly any contemporary phone or other camera-enabled device into a smoke detector. Smoke Detective applies visual ana- lytics to the captured video, to dis- cern smoke, fire, or some predictor thereof. No calibration or additional hardware is required for this device. Portable smoke detection technology can keep you safe in the absence of a working smoke detector. In some cases the app on a phone can beat a standard wall-mounted sensor in recognizing smoke. Stove Locks, Guards, Alerts According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), almost half (47%) of all reported home fires involved cooking equipment, and
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