CAI-NJ Dec. 2018 (w)
T his past year has flown by. In my year as President of CAI-NJ, I worked with many of you to enhance the value of CAI-NJ to our existing members and to promote CAI-NJ’s value to potential members. My interactions with the various committees and board members reaffirmed my belief that our members are dedi- cated to the betterment of the communities we serve. One year is a short time to get initiatives up and run- ning but I can report to you that the Strategic Planning Implementation Task Force has prioritized the board approved Strategic Plan’s goals into three areas of focus. Our first goal is to become more visible to communities throughout New Jersey. We want to create awareness of CAI’s education and advocacy programs to the homeown- er leaders of those communities who may not know of CAI and its benefits. The Task Force is currently researching public relations firms to assist in this goal. Second is to promote the value of CAI manager creden- tials to the public, at large. As part of this goal, the Task Force is focused on ways to assist managers in obtaining their CMCA, AMS and PCAM designations. PCAM is the highest designation offered by CAI. We want to encour- age managers with their CMCA and AMS designations to
pursue their PCAM. The PCAM case study is in New Jersey in September 2019 so those managers need to obtain their pre-requisite courses prior to September of next year in order to attend the case study. Last but not least, the Task Force is focused on creating greater value for our business partners. One area of focus is to increase manager membership which gives business partners more opportunities. As I end my year as President, I will continue to volunteer with my focus on achieving the goals of the Strategic Plan.
“Our first goal is to become more visible to communities throughout New Jersey.”
I want to thank the entire CAI-NJ staff for their hard work and dedication to our organization. As volunteer members, we all rely on the staff’s individual efforts to implement the goals we set. Their efforts are much appreciated by all our members. I wish all of you a Healthy, Joyful and Prosperous New Year. n
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