CAI-NJ April 2020(w)
I write this note from my home office, where I (like many of you) feel cut off from the world. As I pondered how this crisis would affect CAI-NJ, I also began to think about how it COULD, or even SHOULD, affect our organization. We are now experiencing “distancing” in a way we have never before. This is a first for all of us and unfortu- nately, there is great uncertainty in the air. However, while the challenges we face are real, I would like to encourage all of our members to use this moment as a unique oppor- tunity. Best said by Author Kate McGahan: “Deep within every crisis is an opportunity for something beautiful.” The opportunity in front of us right now is to slow down and take time to take care of ourselves and each other. The opportunity right now is that we can finally stop, reflect, see the big picture and make ambitious plans. The opportunity right now is to learn. With current tech- nology, we can come out of this with a greater skill set and broadened knowledge base. (When is the last time you had time to finish a book, watch a TED talk or take an online course?) The opportunity right now is to take time to reach out to one another, respond to the needs around us and connect in a deeper way than ever before. The opportunity for CAI-NJ is to come out stronger, smarter, more prepared and more energized than ever before. And here at CAI-NJ Headquarters, we would like to do our part to help you make that happen. As such, we are announcing the following opportunities for our members:
EDUCATION & NETWORKING: Each week, we are hosting a slate of online opportunities, including our Virtual Connections networking event, a coffee and conversation zoom event on timely topics of interest, and our April 27th Lecture Series — Garden State Pool Director Certification Program, which will be presented as a FREE webinar. In addition, the CAI-NJ FAST Committee will host a Cyber Trivia, to provide a social platform for our members to stay connected and have fun. PHILANTHROPY: Now is a good time to look out- wards…into the broader community... and to take care of those around us. The CAI-NJ Foundation is in its forma- tive year, however, through our committees and a few new programs, there are small ways you can get involved right now: ➣ CAI-NJ Knitting Group: Love to knit? Would you like to use your talent – from home – to help those in need? This group will together (virtually!) knit hats, scarves, and other items for those in need. To get involved, simply reach out to the CAI-NJ office! ➣ Volunteer for the CAI-NJ Foundation: The Foundation will not only serve those already on the streets, but also individ- uals and families facing extreme challenges and in danger of losing their homes. If you would like to be involved in planning or building this effort, we need your help! Please contact me, or another member of the CAI-NJ Team at . These are just a few of the ways that we are helping our members stay connected, engaged, and moving for- ward. Stay tuned for more details... n
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