CAI-NJ April 2020(w)
Community Scenarios... from page 39.
change is by a vote of the owners, not via the associa- tion’s rules and regulations. Within this framework, the association should adopt rules that promote the health and safety of the residents, and that consider the best interest of the residents. Remember, your duty as a board member is to act in the best interests of the community as a whole, not just a specific sub group. Thomas: I think it’s crucial to consider every age demo- graphic when coming up with rules and guidelines for your
general living guidelines within your communi- ty, to help ensure that all age levels within the community are provided with a comfortable living space? Dodelson: The first consideration is whether there are any state or municipal laws and ordinances concerning the issue at hand. Next, you should determine whether the community’s organizational documents address the specific problem since the association is required to conform to any express restrictions in the documents. If those restrictions are out-of-date or no longer apply to the majority of the community, the appropriate means for
community. If it’s an age-targeted communi- ty, it’s essential for the board to consider the different age categories as it’s not uncom- mon for older children of residents to return home to live with their parents. Also, more and more older folks are staying in their units while younger families are moving in. So,
“I think it’s crucial to consider every age demographic when coming up with rules and guidelines for your community.”
it’s a good practice to solicit the thoughts and ideas of all the different age groups when addressing the community’s rules and guidelines. Weiner: Don’t willfully violate a statute. Don’t discrimi- nate. And BE CONSISTENT. n
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At Premier Management Associates, the ultimate goal of everything we do is resident satisfaction. That’s why over 100 associations across the region count on us. We have over 40 years experience managing the regular, day-to-day needs of a community and the resources
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