CAI-NJ Apr. 2022
A pril is one of my favorite months. April Showers Bring May Flowers so don’t fret about the rain, but instead, focus on the season when the bulbs begin to bloom, and the birds migrate north in search of food and nesting when the weather finally warms. Let us also remem ber Earth Day, which this year is April 22nd. A worldwide event, raising awareness of the environmental issues which face all of us living on this precious planet, Earth. It is an opportunity to remind us all to do our part, by recycling and trying to have better energy efficient communities. This month’s issue discusses ideas on how you can, “Go Green in Your Community.” • New Jersey Community Pools — What’s in Store for 2022? by Ben Basch of American Pool, discusses what should be considered when planning for this year’s pool season. • Hidden Money, by Michael Mezzo, CPA, MBA of WilkinGuttenplan, gives examples of the available state and federal programs to homeowners and common interest communities, which offer financial incentives on “going green.” • RevampingAntiquated Irrigations Systems andUpgrading to SMART Irrigation Systems by Gaetano Virone, CID , CIC , CLIA , CLWCM , President of Environmental Designers Irrigation, Inc. explains how updating irrigation systems can save communities money while saving water as well. • Spring Greening Your Community Association by Casey Sky Noon of CoolSys Energy Design suggests ways that we can conserve our resources while saving money. • The Management Trends article, Recycling in Your Community – Getting Your Association One Step Closer to Going Green, by Vincent Rapolla, CMCA, AMS of Denali Property Management, Inc. suggests ways to keep your community on track with your recycling program and fun initiatives your community can participate in.
The CAI-NJ Annual Awards Reception was hosted on February 24th where we celebrated excellence in the industry. Please enjoy the photos of our award winners and thank you to all the sponsors, on page 21, that helped to make this event one of the most special for the chapter and members. What can you look forward to at the chapter this month? • New this year, our first-ever in-person, Conquer & Connect Retreat on Wednesday, April 6th, at the Hyatt Regency in Princeton. We welcome everyone to join us as we celebrate and learn from the women in our indus try. It will be a full day of programs and networking that will support, encourage & help define what leadership means to you. For more information and to register, go to, • Community association managers preparing for your CMCA exam are invited to attend our next Coffee & Cram session at the CAI-NJ Headquarters in Freehold on Tuesday, April 12th. This program will review the concepts included in the exam, assisting you to acquire your first manager designation. For more information and to register, go to, CAI-NJ Manager members may attend free of charge. • The next WednesdayWebinar will beWednesday, April 20th. Please join us as David J. Byrne, Esq. of Ansell Grimm & Aaron. P.C. speaks on, You Can Say NO to Support Animal Requests, and Paul Santoriello, CMCA, AMS, PCAM of Taylor Management Company, AAMC, AMO speaks on Board Policy Governance, Improve Efficiency While Reducing Conflict. You can register by visiting . • New members, we welcome you to join the next Virtual New Member Meet-Up, on Tuesday, April 26th. It is an excellent opportunity to meet our members, the CAI-NJ Team, and our Board of Directors. Learn how to max CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 70
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