CAI-NJ Apr. 2022
Spring Greening Your Community Association By Casey Sky Noon, Business Development Coordinator, CoolSys Energy Design
A s we clean away the winter doldrums and watch the flowers begin to bloom, the warming days are the perfect season for condominiums and homeowners associations (HOAs) to consider making some earth-friendly changes. Below are a few ideas to help boards green their communities this spring. Install LED Lighting The low-hanging fruit of going green is switching to LED (light-emitting diode) lights. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, LEDs use up to 90 percent less
energy than incandescent bulbs, which means lower monthly electric bills. These high-efficiency lights also last up to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs, which translates to lower maintenance costs. Now that manu facturers have developed a broad range of LED prod ucts available for indoor and outdoor use, they can be used to illuminate community signage, common area hallways, lobbies, recreational rooms, and more. Many options include built-in controls, such as timers, dimmers, and occupancy/motion sensors. Plus, LED lights are more affordable than ever.
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