CAI-NJ Apr. 2022
POOLS... from page 14.
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ber of lifeguards entering the market has been significantly reduced in the last two years. The industry counts on lifeguards working not just for a season but to return for at least three seasons. This means there are fewer guards available to return to the job since they may have entered the workforce in some other line of work. Pool companies are now also com peting with work that can be done remotely, and lifeguarding remains a job that requires that person to show up poolside! Although technology has advanced, it has yet to find a way to perform a rescue of a guest in distress by Zoom or text. You have seen it all over the media and probably in your own work place. Existing and new workers are demanding improved working con ditions. With unemployment as low as it is this certainly has the attention of business leaders right now. The lifeguard job requires specific skills and a base fitness level not to mention over thirty hours of training to earn a certification. Furthermore, hot, long days poolside can be physically and mentally demanding in ways those enjoying the air conditioning all day cannot quite understand. Supply Chain Disruption The pool business depends on chem icals and equipment to operate and maintain facilities safely. Disruptions seen across all industries remain a pool oper ator’s constant frustration. Community association pools may feel the supply chain disruption in longer lead times
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