April 2024

MANAGEMENT TRENDS... from page 42.

basin part of the association’s regular landscaping plan. The retention basin requires more attention and can be used as a community’s focal point. Hiring a third-party licensed water manage ment company will be the first step in this process. The water management company will put your retention basins on a maintenance plan that includes chemical treatments and careful mon itoring to prevent algae and other pond pollutants. The next part of the maintenance process is where we as the commu “Not only do the aerators provide a serene effect they also play a pivotal role in mosquito prevention...” nity management team working with our boards and aesthetics committees come into play. For a relatively small fee, your community can turn the property grounds into what looks like a picturesque golf course. Retention basins will also require an aerator to facilitate water movement. There are a variety of different style aerators currently on the market. The aerator should be sized appropriately to fit the pond that it is in. Aerators also come with a variety of water flow options from high mountainous streams to low bubbling effects. These can also be equipped with lighting packages to add to an even more enhanced effect. Of course, the more

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APRIL 2024

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