2023 Annual Awards Nominees

Candice Bladt Community Manager of the Year Nominees

make a difference with the board and residents. Then it started, moving staff and changing duties, working with the Facilities Manager and board on huge projects, HVAC in the Clubhouse and Cultural Center, road paving, roof replacement at both buildings, budgeting, reserve and ending 2022 better than expected with a small increase in maintenance fees. I am proud of my accomplishments through the years but especially excited for the future. This community is my 2nd home and I will continue to make it a better place.

Ross Goldfarb: After only being on the property management side of the Real Estate industry for a little over a year, I have found my home. I have found a passion for the industry, and for doing what I can to help make my homeowners lives that much easier and their enjoyment living in their community that much greater. Being nominated for this award alone is an honor I do not take for granted, but to win and share this with my employer, my colleagues, my homeowners and my family would mean the world to me. I have so much more to give to this industry, and to win this award would fuel that fire in me even more, to be the best possible manager I can be. My journey into property management was out of the ordinary, to say the least. I was hired by Taylor Management in August of 2021 as a community administrator, after almost two years of working as a Leasing Agent, renting apartments across the state. As my first day concluded, I was instructed to meet with one of our on-site community managers at their property, and was

under the impression this was part of my training process. When I arrived on-site the next day, my second day on the job, I was informed to my surprise that said community manager had given notice, and I was the one they assigned to fill in until they were able to get a permanent manager in place. Talk about being thrown to the wolves and learning on the fly! After only being on the job for 3 months as Interim community manager, my superiors at Taylor Management, and the board members of the community, decided that I had done all they needed to see, and they were going to make me the full time on-site community manager of the community. Over my first full year as an on-site community manager, I dealt with multiple sewer backups to units, a fire that displaced homeowners from 16 units, a hostile election, multiple ADR hearings and much more! If there was one property to learn by doing, this was it! As my first full year on property came to a close, through no fault of my own, Taylor Management and this community decided to mutually agree to part ways. With that said, Taylor Management made the decision to promote me from an on-site community manager to portfolio community manager. I went from being a community administrator, to an on-site community manager managing one property of 354 units, to now being a portfolio community manager managing 4 properties around the state, totaling upwards of 1000 units, all within the span of my first year on the job. The open-door policy and unwavering support from Paul Santoriello, PCAM, Gale Braunstein and the entire Taylor Management team has been crucial to my success, and I cannot thank them enough for this opportunity given to me.

Stephanie Harmon, CMCA, AMS, PCAM: Over the course of my career, I have never stopped taking the opportunity to learn and then share that information with others. The last three years have been challenging for all managers, board members and homeowners alike. It takes strength, commitment, confidence, conviction, and leadership to bring your community to the other side of a major challenge as we all experienced. The question – why do I feel I am deserving of this award? Community Management is not something I do, but who I am. I believe in this profession and know that I make a difference in people’s lives every day. What an amazing opportunity has been given to me through managing properties and I am grateful for it everyday. During the shut down of 2020 into 2021 I was on my property seven days a week so all outdoor amenities remained open and homeowners had peace

of mind that I was there for them.

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