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MUNICIPALITIES... from page 58.
We host a “Meet the Candidates” night before every municipal elec- tion. It serves two purposes: we are informed of the candidates’ positions on matters of importance to us; and, the candidates realize that our com- munity is informed and votes. We have held appreciation nights for our police department and award- ed a commendation to one officer who had diligently worked to solve
Who canYOUR Association count on today for guidance in Transition and Construction Defect Litigation?
"Our township officials helped us when we felt the developer was ignoring our requests..."
A Professional Corporation
a burglary. Our property manager coordinates quarterly meetings of the police and CIC managers in the township. Our township officials helped us when we felt the developer was ignor- ing our requests to bring the property to our expected standards. Compliance officers made sure the construction sites were well maintained, and the zoning board required that the main- tenance ponds were brought up to standard. Our longstanding support for the mayor and committee help in getting their support. Collaboration and cooperation can be much better at accomplishing our needs than simply complaining. We have found that the town will work with us on LAC priorities which do not conflict with League priorities. n
Hueston McNulty, P.C. Defense and General Counsel Serving New Jersey, New York & Pennsylvania N Value–Experience–Quality We provide our Association clients with qual- ity and value.We strive to solve the problem– resolve the issue–and make life easier for our Associations and their property managers. Samuel J. McNulty, Esq. / Tel: 973-377-0200 / Fax: 973-377-6328 Florham Park - Sparta - Toms River - Philadelphia - Manhattan
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