September 2017

ULTIMATE PARTNER Profile Brown & Brown Questions answered by Ryan Weiner, Senior VP

Courtesy CAI-NJ.

A few of their condo team members, from left to right (sitting), Jillian Macievic, Penny Verdon, Michaele Wilbert, (standing) Ryan Weiner, Connie Demerjian, Karen Paran, Jamie Valentine

B rown & Brown is an independent insurance interme- diary that through its licensed subsidiaries provides a variety of insurance products and services to corporate, public entity, institutional, trade, professional, association and individual clients. Headquartered in Daytona Beach, Florida, offices are located across the United States, with products and ser- vices offered through four major business divisions. We are listed on the NYSE as BRO. Our corporate culture is built on vision, speed, agility and strength that allows us to thrive in the very competitive insur- ance environment. This unique culture has enabled us to quickly chase down new opportunities, adapt our products and services to best meet market demands, and satisfy our many and varied clients. Our drive to be the best has made Brown & Brown one of the largest and most respected independent insurance intermediaries in the nation, with 75 years of continuous service.

What is your role in the organization? What is your background? How long have you been in the industry? Jillian Macievic is a Vice President for Brown & Brown of Lehigh Valley and joined the team in 2007 after graduating from Bloomsburg University. She quickly earned her Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA) designation, attended the first ever Brown & Brown University semester in the Northeast region in 2008, and joined the Community Association team shortly after. Her passion for insurance has grown each and every year, and she truly has become an ascending leader in the Lehigh Valley office. Ryan Weiner is a Senior Vice President for Brown & Brown Insurance of Lehigh Valley. After graduation from the University of Richmond in 2001, he started his professional career at Brown & Brown, Inc. as a member of the Internal Auditing team out of Daytona Beach, Florida. He spent most of his time conducting financial audits of the many offices of Brown & Brown nationwide. In 2004, Ryan earned the Accredited


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