INSURANCE... from page 37.
risk to the snow plow contractor for the work the contractor is provid- ing to the community, even if the contractor’s acts are negligent, or intentional. This would unneces- sarily expose an association to a number of claims that are the result of the contractors’ faulty work (slip and falls due to improper plowing, and de-icing) that the association’s insurance policies would need to defend, and could severely restrict the availability in the marketplace for associations to obtain coverage. I hope to be able to continue to provide insight to the LAC and to the membership of CAI-NJ relative to bills that relate to insurance issues. Please feel free to reach out to me with any insurance questions you may have as proposed legislation comes to your attention. I can be reached via email at . n
Write for Community Trends ®
CAI-NJ and the Editorial Committee are always looking for new articles to publish in Community Trends. ® If you are interested in submitting an article for possible inclusion in Community Trends ® , please contact Jaclyn Oskierko at 609-588-0030 or View the guidelines for submitting an article at:
and currently sits in the House. We have been working diligently with the Assemblymen to try and prevent it from passing. The statement accom- panying this bill provides: “This bill makes void and unen- forceable any provision, clause, covenant, or agreement contained in, collateral to, or affecting a snowplow or de-icing service con- tract that purports to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless, or has the effect of indemnifying, defend- ing or holding harmless, the prom- ise from or against any liability for loss or damage resulting from the negligent, intentional acts, or omission of the promise.” This bill essentially removes the ability of the associations to transfer
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