Sept 2023
PCAM (Professional Community Association Manager) is a designation awarded to managers who have five years of direct community association management experience, successfully completed all six M-200 level courses, and successfully passed the CMCA examination administered by CAMICB. and complete the PCAM Case Study Course to be awarded the designation. This list is provided by CAI National and is valid as of December 31, 2020. The New Jersey chapter is proud to acknowledge our manager members who have earned the PCAM designation! NEW JERSEY CHAPTER PCAMS
Christopher M. Nicosia Erin O’Reilly Michael Pesce Cynthia Pirrera Vincent Rapolla John C. Roberts Jacqueline Rogers Dawn Marie Ruggiero David W. Salter Edward San George Paula Santangelo Paul Santoriello Lawrence N. Sauer April C. Schauer Michael H. Sutterlin Jackie J. Thermidor Lawrence Patrick Thomas Teresa J. Viggiano Elaine Warga-Murray
Michael Flippin Natalie Fries Chuck Graziano Stephanie Harmon Nancy S. Hastings Robert Hastings Matthew E. Heon Chip Hoever Sue Howe Beth G. Kelly Lori A. Kenyon Suzanne Lach William R. Mackey Jim P. Magid Nicole Martone Glen A. Masullo Richard J. Mattalian Julie McCutcheon
Brian Aubrey Jane E. Balmer Janice Barber Leonard Barber
Robert E. Barlow, Jr. Raymond T. Barnes Matthew S. Begley Tracy Blair Richard Blenden Walter G. Broome Nicole Camarota Mary Caporaso Glenda Carroll Timothy Clewell Diane Cody Elizabeth Comando
Thomas Curry Louis J. Curtis Gregg Danieli
Gail McDermid Kristina Munson
Brian Weaver Shawna Zuhl
Barbara Drummond Patricia E. DuBuque Susan Fitzpatrick
Anthony Nardone Deborah Nicholson
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