Sept 2023
association. Of course, in circum stances where an association owns a unit directly, the association will be responsible for the charge. Flood-Zone Notifications Finally, even more recently, the Legisla ture also passed N.J. S. 3110/A. 4783 (2023), which amended the Truth-in-Renting Act (N.J.S.A. §§ 46:8 43 to 46:51). New Jersey law now imposes new responsibilities on land lords and property sellers to disclose flood risks to their tenants and buyers. This new law requires landlords to furnish their tenants with written notic es if their apartment, or any section of the parking area, is located within the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area (the “100-year floodplain”) or the Moderate Risk Flood Hazard Area (the “500-year floodplain”). These notifications can be attached to new and renewal leases moving forward. However, for residential ten ants, these notifications must be issued (or must also be issued) as separate riders, each individually signed by the tenant. Essentially, for residential leases, this information cannot merely be included in the lease agreement. The notice should be drafted using a typeface no smaller than 12-point. In collaboration with the DEP, the DCA will devise a standard model for such notices, offering landlords a compli ant template. The information included in the notice should answer the following: (1) Is any or all of the rental proper ty located wholly or partially in the Special Flood Hazard Area (“100-year floodplain”) according to FEMA’s current flood insurance CONTINUES ON PAGE 56
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