October 2016
As a full service solution for the legal issues and needs of homeowners associations, condominiums or cooperatives, the firm’s Community Association Group proudly provides these services to our long-standing clients:
| General counsel services | Construction defects | Mediation, arbitration and litigation | Corporate governance | Fair housing and discrimination defense | Assessment recovery | Bankruptcy and foreclosure | Government relations
To learn how we may support your Association’s or Cooperative’s needs, contact David J. Byrne, Esq. at djb@ansellgrimm.com
A CoMMitMent to exCellenCe. A CoMMitMent to PeoPle. 732.922.1000 | ansellgrimm.com PrinCeton, nJ | WoodlAnd PArk, nJ | OCEAN, NJ | neWtoWn, PA | White PlAins, nY
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