October 2016

ARE YOU WILLING TO SHOW US YOUR ASSETS? Over forty years of experience in the construction field allows Van Note-Harvey Associates to properly evaluate current construction costs with more accurate useful life estimates, helping communities build their reserves, one study at a time!

CAI webinars

 Capital Reserve Studies/Transition Studies  Site/Civil Engineering  Stormwater Management  Site Drainage Management  Common Area Improvements Design  Pavement Evaluations  Environmental Consulting  Construction Administration

CAI webinars offer affordable, specialized training without leaving your home or office. Conducted via Internet and au- dio teleconference, the 60– to 90–minute programs are led by industry leaders to keep you up to date on the latest legislative activity, management trends, industry best practices and other topics of special interest to community managers and homeowners. New, live webinars are present- ed every month, and more than 100 webinars are available on demand. If you’re a profession- al in need of continuing educa- tion units or a board member in need of expert advice, CAI webinars can help. REGISTER TODAY at www.caionline.org/webinars, and keep your community and career on track!

103 College Road East Princeton, NJ 08540 609-987-2323 www.vannoteharvey.com

Wilkin Management Group , Inc. 30 Years of History

For over 30 years, Wilkin Management Group has held to an unshakeable corporate philosophy of Creating Value for Our Clients. Our People, Process and Performance demonstrates an un-wavering commitment to do so. With locations in Northern and Central NJ Visit us on the web at www.WilkinGrp.com | 201.560.0900

To advertise email: info@brainerdcommunications.com or see information on CAI-NJ’s website: www.cainj.org


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