October 2016
relationships, and the key to present yourself in the best light!!! Handouts, promotional literature: Keeping track of information is always difficult when you simply throw every- thing into a bag and then plan to sort it out sometime next week! A better plan is to carry two light weight bags, one for materials you want to scan, file and utilize in the future (business cards included) and a second bag for items that can wait a week or so to be reviewed (free stuff should go in this bag, as a reward for going through the materials!) Follow ups: People are going to con- tact you via phone or email, but some people should be contacted by you! Thank yous are also welcomed, so send thank yous to new contacts and people who shared something good with you. While there may be a sea of emails following any conference, a sincere thank you always stands out. Also, if you promised to get back to someone or share information with them, be sure do that quickly. If venders and contacts send you an email, respond, even if it is to say that you don’t have an immediate need and would like to speak to them in 2 months. Following up with contacts made at a conference solidify your professionals and solidify the rapport established in person. So yes, a Conference is definitely a work function, but more than that, it is a career function. The CAI-NJ Conference is so much more that, since CAI Committees go all out to make the experience relevant and fun. If you approach it the right way, you will benefit!!! n
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