November 2023
• We Have Been Here Before…Kind of, e xplains the causes and history of the insurance industry’s hard mar ket and what we can anticipate for the future. • Preparing for Extreme Weather Disasters, a checklist of what to include in your disaster plan. • Tightening Financial Controls in the Post-pandemic World, suggests practices that should now be reviewed to ensure adequate financial controls are in place. • DON’T PANIC: How to devise a strategic plan for emer gencies, lists items to include in your strategic plan to best prepare for financial and maintenance emergencies. Coming up for you at CAI-NJ! • Pints With PAC Happy Hour on November 14th at Chickie’s and Pete’s. • Make-A-Wish Breakfast & Castle Tour on November 16th at Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey. • Preparing for the Future – Continuity Planning for Community Associations, live webinar on November 29th. • Annual Meeting & Chapter Retreat on December 5th at the Grand Marquis. • Winter Break Party on December 5th at the Grand Marquis. Now Accepting Proposals for Speaking Opportunities. If you would like to share your expertise with our mem bers, submit a proposal for a 2024 educational program, 2024 Partnership Program is now available. Business Partner and Management Company members, you can take advantage of this program to gain brand recognition and enhanced exposure that will allow you to stand out CONTINUES ON PAGE 62
“Thanksgiving isn’t just a day. It’s a way we can live our lives every day.” — Katrina Mayer
T hanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday, no gifts to shop for, only to share the gift of love from family and friends that fill our lives and create new memories and traditions. We recognize that we should be mindful of all that we have to be grateful for every single day, and the holiday season is a reminder to take stock of how fortunate we are and not dwell on what we wish we had. When we open our hearts and identify this, we realize how privileged we are as this is the wealth of our lives. Being grateful for every day is where our fortunes are found. Gratitude yields happiness. Let us not forget to thank our veterans for their service, bravery, and sacrifice for us and our country on Saturday, November 11th - Happy Veterans Day! On behalf of the entire CAI-NJ staff, we are extremely appreciative of those that volunteer to serve the chapter and its members. Without the time and support from the chapter’s Board of Directors, our Partners, the committee members and program sponsors, the chapter would not be able to serve the members with the timely education and member benefits that so many value. Within this month’s issue of Community Trends ® The Winter season is quickly approaching but the best assurance that panic does not take over is to be as prepared as possible for what may arise. The articles in this issue, “Don’t Panic,” offer insight into how you can best protect yourself and your community if you confront a threat or disaster. • Navigating the Digital Minefield: T op Scams to Be Aware of and How to Protect Yourself, recommends ways to ensure that we safeguard our data from poten tial threats.
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