November 2016 CT
2017Annual AwardsDinner Call ForNominations
Each year, the New Jersey chapter of Com- munity Associations Institute celebrates ex- cellence in the industry during the Annual Awards Dinner, held at The Palace at Somer- set Park. This year the event will take place on Thursday, February 16, 2017. Nominations are now open for the following categories including the Candice Bladt Com- munity Manager of the Year, the Committee of the Year and the Committe Chair of the Year. New this year, CAI-NJ and the Awards Com- mittee are introducing the Board of the Year to be presented to the CAI-NJ member community association board, nominated by its vendors and management companies, who are eager to recogonize excellence in
Community Association Volunteers Leaders. Please note, a minumum of three (3) board members must be members of CAI-NJ to be eligible. There is no limit to the number of nomina- tions a person can submit, and self nomina- tions are welcomed. All award nominees must be members in good standing in CAI-NJ. Enclosed are the official call for nominations entry forms, rules and instructions. You can also download these forms on the website,
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT NOMINATIONS IS FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2017 Nomination Contact Information Name:________________________________________________ Company:______________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________
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