THE HIGH RISE... from page 32.
cases this condition is further exaggerated at the locations where the handrail posts are imbedded into the concrete allowing moisture a place to enter the concrete if the posts are not installed correctly resulting in sections of concrete falling. Another common problem is when a unit owner will cover the balcony with a carpet or some other material which holds the moisture and does not allow it to drain from the balcony. 2. Parking garages. The surfaces of the parking garage exhibit similar problems to the balcony surfaces although the deterioration can be accelerated by the salts carried into the garages by the cars in the winter. In many cases this also leads to problems with the structural concrete beams and columns as well as steel beams which are exposed to these conditions. In many cases the expansion joints which separate sections of the parking garage decks allow moisture to travel from the top levels to lower levels. 3. Podium decks. In many high rise buildings a podium deck is installed above parking garages or other parts
(left) Underside of parking garage ceiling which supports a podium deck and moisture infiltration has been occurring which has caused rusting of the reinforcing steel and deterioration of the concrete.
(right) Underside of a podium deck at the location of a failed expansion joint which has allowed moisture infiltration and deterioration of the supporting steel structure.
of the building. The construction of this podium deck is typically comprised of a waterproofing membrane directly on top of the concrete deck which is then covered with a drainage plane to allow moisture to be drained and a top surface that is for public use and may be brick, grass, plant- CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 36
328 Changebridge Road • Pine Brook, NJ 07058 • 973-797-1444 856 Route 206 South • Hillsborough, NJ 08844 • 908-874-6991
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