March 2024

DEER... from page 22.


can vary from four to twenty inches in length and cause catastrophic dam age to the trees, including cork cam bium, and vascular tissue in that area. Younger trees and adolescent ones don’t typically have many lower limbs yet making them a preferred candi date for a buck rub. As newly planted or adolescent trees begin to establish, buck rub can quickly lead to death or severe decline and will take years to heal and rarely heal completely.

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“For trees that already received this type of damage, only time will tell..."

How to Protect Your Trees To save the tree from this type of damage and prevent it from ever occurring, a great method for preven tion is protective mesh or plastic that is very loosely wrapped around the trunk of the tree. This typically deters the buck from selecting that tree and defends it from the antlers in the event it is tried. Deer trunk protection is the official terminology, and this can be found at your local hardware store, farm center or arborist supply. For trees that already received this type of damage, only time will tell if it can compartmentalize that area.



MARCH 2024

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