March 2023
What is the WOMEN’S
LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE all About, Anyway? By Lirelle Klein,
Taylor Management Company, AAMC, AMO, 2023 Women’s Leadership Committee Chair
“...providing education and resources to mentor, support, and empower women to continue to grow in the community association industry.”
themacx/E+/Getty Images Plus
I f you think that the Women’s Leadership Committee is a group of women who gather for “Koffee Klatches” and talk about what we are going to wear to the next CAI event, you couldn’t be further from the truth! So, if not that, then what is this committee even about, and why is it important? The Women’s Leadership Committee is about providing education and resources to mentor, support, and empower women to continue to grow in the community association industry. As we kick off March and International Women’s Month, what is the definition of a leader and why does it matter. What is a Leader? By the Webster’s Dictionary standard, a leader is defined as “One who, or that which, leads or conducts; a guide; a conductor.”
By this definition, anyone can be a leader, which is true, but take it a step further in that you have to be an influencer before you can become a leader. No, not the TikTok kind of influencer, but the kind where people strive to be like you whether it be in our family life, homes, co-workers, or our clients; the people we touch never ends. AND only when you can influence can you lead. This is crucial to our industry as our clients and co-workers are reliant on the When the committee first formed three years ago, it was in reality 30 years in the making – if you were to ask the CEOs, Owners, COOs how they got started in this industry they would tell you they began as a part-time receptionist, an admin, or a Lifestyle Assistant. We don’t need statistics to prove this industry is made up of more than 60 per CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 26 knowledge, we pass along to them. Why Women Leaders Matter
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