Ladies of LAC Discussion
Presentedbythe 2021CAI-NJWomen’sLeadershipCommittee 2021 ACT LIKE A LADY THINK LIKE A BOSS RETREAT BOARD MEMBER TRAINING ADEQUATE RESERVES AND BENEFITS DERIVED In February 2018 we learned that Assemblywoman Annette Quijano (Legislative District 20 - Union County) was looking to sponsor a bill requiring Board member training. Shortly thereafter a group of our Homeowner Leaders and LAC members met and made some recommendations. In June of 2018, the group working on this met with Assembly woman Quijano and reviewed various options and she agreed to work with us before drafting the bill. Several meetings were held to discuss the best approach and how to implement a program that is not too onerous for volunteer board members to participate in. PRESENTED BY: BARBARADRUMMOND, CMCA, PCAM, PRIMEMANAGEMENT, INC., PRESIDENT BDRUMMOND@PRIMEMANAGEMENTINC.COM | (609) 693-0090
Some of the options presented were:
1. Mandatory Training - Required to serve as a board member Enforcement by a State Agency
Result - Better educated board members Fewer board volunteers
2. Incentivized Training - Required to serve as a board member No enforcement by the state Incentive to be worked out
(ie. tax benefit to members of obtain a training certificate)
Result - Better educated board members
More board members would serve with a financial incentive
3. Voluntary Training - Not required to serve as a board member but would have a better idea of what their duty to the association.
Result - Perhaps fewer educated board members, but at least likely more board volunteers
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