June 2024

MASTER DEEDS... from page 18.

ciation, including powers, duties, and manner of selection. • Meeting, quorum, and voting re quirements. • The manner of collecting from association members their respec tive share of common expenses. • The method the bylaws may be amended. Recording Requirements: Bylaws must be filed along with the Master Deed. Amendments to bylaws must The “Rules and Regulations” are additional guidelines and restrictions that may be established by the asso ciation’s board of directors or trustees to address specific issues or concerns within the community. These rules are typically more detailed than those outlined in the master deed or dec laration and may cover topics such as pet policies, parking regulations, noise restrictions, and recreational facility usage. Rules and regulations are designed to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the community and are enforced by the association’s board of directors. The authority for the rules and regulations stems from the powers granted to the board of directors or trustees by the master deed or declaration and the bylaws of the association. Purpose: Set forth rules, restrictions, and procedures for residents to follow regarding the use of units, common areas, amenities, and the community be filed with the county clerk. Rules and Regulations

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JUNE 2024

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