J U L Y , 2 0 1 6
the tree inventory, the NJ Certified
Tree Expert can produce a
tree man-
agement plan
which is the blueprint
for the future of the community forest.
This management plan will summarize
the state of the tree population, will
provide detailed data about the trees,
and will deliver recommendations for
annual tree care and the accompany-
ing cost projections. It will be a cycli-
cal plan in which tasks such as regular
maintenance pruning occur every 3-5
years, while other tasks may need
to be done annually. This gives the
association and property manager
exactly what they need to develop
annual tree maintenance budgets that
appropriately fit the community’s finan-
cial abilities.
By enacting this plan of cyclical
tree care and management, the asso-
ciation can feel assured that it is
keeping the community forest in a
safe and healthy condition for the
long-term, and consequently avoiding
unexpected major tree costs. With
annual monitoring as part of the plan,
developing tree problems can be
discovered early on; long before they
become significant.
Another benefit of the tree inventory
is the ability to proactively address
new environmental concerns. An
from page 21.
“Another benefit of the tree
inventory is the ability to
proactively address new
environmental concerns.”
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