Specialist) designation to engineers that have an extensive familiarity with reserve studies. We also have insur- ance companies that specialize in community associations. CAI has cre- ated the “CIRMS” designation for our insurance professionals. The CIRMS designation (Community Insurance and Risk Management Specialist) is awarded to those insurance profes- sionals who concentrate their prac- tice in community associations. • Encourage (or insist) that your management staff attend all of the educational events offered by our chapter. Also, if you are hir- ing a new manager, look for the advanced designations, AMS or PCAM. This indicates the individ- LOOKING FORWARD... from page 6.
ual’s commitment and investment in his/her profession. At the very least, your manager should have their CMCA designation and be in the process of obtaining their AMS and eventually their PCAM. 2. If you are a manager • Attend any and all industry educa- tional functions, whether they are sponsored by CAI-NJ or a group of CAI vendors. These include the roundtables, lectures, annual conference and expo, manager leadership workshop (this year’s Manager Leadership Workshop will be held on September 7th at Rossmoor in Monroe Township). • Attend all CAI-NJ networking events and meet other community managers and vendors. You never know when you will need to replace or hire a
professional or service provider. • Network with other managers and share ideas and issues. What bet- ter way to save time and energy than to speak with a manager that has dealt with the same matter. • Get on a CAI-NJ committee. Again, this is an excellent way for you to meet other CAI-NJ professionals and build your industry network. You may want to start off with a “fun” committee (Golf, Beach Party, Awards, Spring Break). • Get your designations as soon as possible. Most management com- panies and board members realize the value of a CAI credential. Getting your designations indicates your investment in our profession and gives you the educational tools to be successful.
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