LEGISLATIVE UPDATE... from page 9.
Certainly there are interests deserv- ing of the protection proposed by these ordinances; however, if adopt- ed, these ordinances will significantly reduce the discretion which associa- tions now have in engaging service employees. CAI-NJ has joined with several industry associations in oppos- ing these ordinances. The LAC is fol- lowing the ordinances in light of their inevitable financial and operational impact upon property managers and community associations. H.R. 1301. In closing, a com- promise has been reached on H.R. 1301, which would have prohib- ited community associations from imposing a blanket prohibition on the installation of ham radio antennas. CAI has advocated for the ability to impose such a prohibition in the con- text of the governance of community
associations; however, such prohibi- tions were opposed by the ham radio lobby intent on ensuring amateur radio communications in the event of a local disaster. As part of the compromise, anten- nas are not allowed to be installed on common property. A community association may adopt and enforce reasonable written rules concerning the installation, placement, and aes- thetic impact of exterior antennas. Notification and prior approval of antenna installations is required. Q
porters, handypersons, superinten- dents, elevator operators, window cleaners, stationary firepersons or building engineers. Ordinance #16.082 requires cer- tain employers of non-managerial service employees to follow certain procedures when a property is sold, control is transitioned from one entity to another, or a service contract is terminated or cancelled. Any suc- cessor firm for building services con- tracts must retain the employees of the terminated firm for at least 90 days. At the end of this 90 day period, the employer must provide a written evaluation of the employee, and must retain that employee if the employee receives a satisfactory evaluation.
Associations: Are You in Compliance with New Jersey Law? r C A I - N J A l t e r n a t i v e D i s p u t e R e s o l u t i o n r M e d i a t i o n S e r v i c e s P r o g r a m
CAI-NJ is proud to offer members Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mediation Services This program is an alternative to litigation, as mandated by state law. This service includes negotiation and mediation with a neutral party, and is offered to community associations. Use our trained mediators to quickly and economically resolve your dispute. Examples of disputes covered are: % Parking % Pets % Noise % Rules Violations % Maintenance Problems For information on CAI-NJ’s ADR Program, please contact us at:
Phone: (609) 588-0030 Email: info@cainj.org CAI Member Rate: $375.00 Non-Member Rate: $500.00
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