ATTENTION BUSINESS PARTNERS: Make sure all of your employees recieve updates from CAI-NJ.
As a Business Partner member of CAI- NJ your employees are eligible to receive elec- tronic member communications and attend chapter events at the member rate. Please complete the form below for any employee with your company who frequent- ly attends events or should be receiving correspondences from CAI-NJ. By submitting this information, your employees will receive email updates regarding events, legislative affairs, the weekly e-newsletter, Community Trends® e-Issue and many other members’ only communications. There is no limit to the number of forms you can submit and there is no charge as a Business Partner Member of CAI-NJ. For questions, contact Laura O’Connor, Director of Membership & Marketing at laura@ cainj.org or (609) 588-0030. CAI-NJ Business Partner - Employee Contact Form Contact Information Company: First Name: Last Name: SufÀx: Designations (circle) CMCA AMS PCAM RS CIRMS LSM Other:________________ Address: City/ State/ Zip Code: OfÀce Phone: Cell Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Return completed forms by email to laura@cainj.org or fax (609) 588-0040 or visit the CAI-NJ website link http://www.cainj.org/membership/employee-contact-form/ .
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