I know it must seem redundant to say over and over but it’s so important that I feel that it needs to be repeated again. We are truly fortunate that we have a very active membership that continuously supports our chapter by sponsoring, and more importantly, attending our chapter events. You may notice a change from my typical head shot above. CAI-NJ F.A.S.T. challenged the entire membership to submit photos of their teams wearing red noses and make donations in support of Red Nose Day, a campaign dedicated to help- ing children and having fun. Proceeds benefit children and young people in the US and some of the poorest communities in the world. The group raised $925 in their campaign. Thank you to all the companies who supported F.A.S.T. in their initiative. On May 16th at Stonebridge Community Association, located in Monroe Township, we held a Cyber Threat Awareness Program hosted by Matt Driscoll and his team at Mutual of Omaha Bank. It was an interesting and informative seminar. If you are not up to date on the cyber threats we face personally and in our businesses each day, do yourself a favor and get educated on the those potential risks. Our Annual Spring Break Party was held on April 28th at the Windows on the Water in Sea Bright. Due to the overwhelming last minute registration the venue had to be changed to accommodate us. It was an awesome event and attendees seemed to enjoy the networking and socializing. The only complaint heard that evening was of the inclement weather conditions, which prevented us from utilizing the outside deck overlooking the ocean. Larry Thomas and his staff have assured us that next year’s weath- er will be warm and sunny for this event.
A strong contingent of approximately 35 of our chap- ter members attended the CAI National Conference, recently held in Orlando Florida. In addition to the informative educational sessions and trade show, the highlight during the Opening Session was watching a few of our chapter members being recognized and receiving awards. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Ron Perl, Esq., Hill Wallack, for receiving Distinguished Service Award from CAMICB for his dedication and years of service on the CAMICB Board Cheryl Rhine, USI Insurance Services, for receiving the CIRMS designation Jeff Cirkus, CMCA, AMS, Associa Community Management Corp., for receiving the PCAM designation Stephanie Harmon CMCA, AMS, First Service Residential, for receiving the PCAM designation Finally, on June 7th, the Pennsylvania/Delaware Valley and New Jersey Chapters held an inaugural Joint Networking Event at the Lambertville Station in Lambertville. We hope it was the first of many of these joint events. Thank you to Larry Thomas and our office team for their dedication and enthusiasm in organizing a full calendar of educational and networking events for our membership. Enjoy the interesting articles in this month’s Community Trends ® and I look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming events. Ps: Anyone interested in a challenge for the upcoming CAI-NJ Olympics? It’s all for a good cause, The Make a Wish Foundation of New Jersey. Q
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