3. If you are a service
provider or professional • Stay current with the legislative issues affecting your area of ser- vice. This can be done by reading the Legislative Updates presented monthly in Community Trends ® and by attending the in-person seminars offered by the NJ-LAC. • Become a “CAI Educated Business Partner.” CAI has designed a three hour course specific to our business partners. This course outlines the unique qualities of dealing with a volunteer board and how to best market yourself to community asso- ciations and management compa- nies. CAI-NJ will be running one of these classes in the Fall of 2016 • Attend all of our Business Partner roundtables and events sponsored by the Business Partner Committee. This committee meets regularly to discuss events and educational functions designed specifically for our Business Partners. • Get on a CAI-NJ Committee. Applications for the 2017 com- mittees will be sent out in the Fall. Consider volunteering for a 2017 committee. In closing, if you’re reading this article, you are part of this community association world. It is imperative that you keep up with what is happening in our industry in order to be success- ful and be the best board member, manager or business partner that you can be. A favorite quote of mine that is very appropriate to this article and should be remembered “If you’re not moving forward, you’re moving back- ward.” Q
INTERESTED IN SUBMITTING AN ARTICLE FOR COMMUNITY TRENDS ® ? Contact Jackie Olszewski at CAI-NJ at (609) 588-0030 or jaclyn@cainj.org for more information.
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