CA-PAC Community Association Political Action Committee
CALLING ALL CAI-NJ MEMBERS: CA-PAC NEEDS YOUR HELP! The Community Associations-Political Action Committee (CA-PAC) is CAI’s voice in New Jersey politics. This year we’re asking every homeowner, manager and Business Partner to help make 2016 a record year for CA-PAC. We have a lot of work to do, and with your help, we can achieve our priorities which include: FORECLOSURE REFORM )RU WRR ORQJ RXU FRPPXQLWLHV KDYH EHHQ KHOG KRVWDJH E\ EDQNV WKDW VWDUW EXW ZRQ·W ÀQLVK IRUHFORVXUHV 1HZ Jersey leads the nation with nearly 4,000 so-called “zombie foreclosures” in which properties are abandoned by their IRUPHU RZQHUV EXW EDQNV GRQ·W ÀQDOL]H WKH DFWLRQ OHDYLQJ RXU FRPPXQLWLHV³DQG RXU QHLJKERUV³OHIW SD\LQJ WHQV R f thousands of dollars in delinquent maintenance fees. At CAI-NJ we say enough is enough. That’s why we are working to make lenders responsible for the unpaid fees with new laws that force banks to act responsibly or allow rent receiverships. A bill to do just that came painfully close to law last year, having passed the Senate 38-0, and it is our top priority this year. MUNICIPAL SERVICES REFORM CAI-NJ is dedicating the next two years to revisiting New Jersey’s Municipal Services Act to make sure our communi- WLHV DUH JHWWLQJ WKHLU IDLU VKDUH EDFN IRU \RXU SURSHUW\ WD[HV ,VVXHV OLNH IHH SDULW\ IRU ÀUH K\GUDQWV DQG IDLU WUHDWPHQW from utility authorities are at the top of our list. We are also working with CAI National to bring about common sense disaster relief law so our communities can seek the same relief as our neighbors. FIXING PLANNED REAL ESTATE LAW New Jersey’s patchwork of condo and homeowner association laws remains in need of a 21st Century makeover, and CAI-NJ is committed to working with the legislature to get that hard work done. CAI-NJ has prepared a nine bill SDFNDJH WKDW WDFNOHV HYHU\WKLQJ IURP VLPSO\ GHÀQLQJ D FRPPRQ LQWHUHVW FRPPXQLW\ WR UHIRUPLQJ WKH JRYHUQDQFH of elections and bylaws, and we are working closely with the legislature to get it done. MANAGER LICENSING CAI-NJ remains committed to recognizing the professionalism of our community managers through state licensure, and has been working with the legislature and the Christie administration on initiatives to do just that. Proposals XQGHU FRQVLGHUDWLRQ LQFOXGH ERWK OLFHQVXUH DQG UHJLVWUDWLRQ :H UHPDLQ FRPPLWWHG WR D ÀQDO SURGXFW WKDW HVWDEOLVKHV D PHDQLQJIXO FHUWLÀFDtion standard without creating an unnecessary burden.
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