Don’t Just Join, Participate!
A s a Community Associations Institute New Jersey chapter member you have access to resources that your non-member colleagues do not but, if you don’t participate you are not taking advantage of all that your membership has to offer. Here are a few easy ways you can get involved and make the most of your membership. Did you know that CAI-NJ is on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? Our social media pages are a great place to connect with other members, get the latest information and discuss the most recent community association news. We update our social media sites regularly and welcome comments and discussions from CAI-NJ members so don’t hesitate to join the conversation. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CAINJCHAPTER, follow us on Twitter @CAINJCHAPTER and connect with us on LinkedIn at Community Associations Institute – New Jersey Chapter. One of the best ways to learn more about the organiza- tion and make stronger connections is to volunteer to serve on one of CAI-NJ’s committees. There are more than ten different options to choose from. Help plan our networking events as a member of the Awards Dinner, Beach Party, Golf Outing or Spring Break Committee. Assist with developing the educational programing for the year on the Business Partner, Manager or CAVL Committee. Help retain and recruit new members on the Membership Committee. These are just a few examples of how you can get involved. We solicit for committee members each fall so be sure to sign up to partici- pate to get the most from your membership. The next time you attend one of our networking events, look for a CAI-NJ “Ambassador.” Members of the Membership Committee wear “Ambassador” ribbons when attending events and are there to make you feel welcome. Be sure to introduce yourself when you see an “Ambassador.” They will be happy to help you navigate the event and make introduc- tions to the people you are looking to connect with.
The CAI-NJ Legislative Action Committee (LAC) has recently invested in a grassroots communications system to make it easy for you to reach out to your legislators to comment on industry related legislation when you receive a CAI-NJ “Action Alert”. Advocacy on common interest community issues is an important piece of your member- ship. This new system allows you to send a pre-composed message to your legislators by email, taking the hassle out of locating contact information for your legislators and writ- ing up talking points or a letter on your own. Remember the greater participation from our members on our “Action Alerts” the stronger our voice is in Trenton.
“Help grow our chapter by spreading the word as you talk with your boards, managers and vendor colleagues.”
Help grow our chapter by spreading the word as you talk with your boards, managers and vendor colleagues. If you know someone that should be a member ask them to join. You could win a free trip to the 2017 CAI National Conference in Las Vegas if you recruit the most members before November 30, 2016. The more our membership grows, the stronger our chapter will be, so please encourage CAI-NJ membership whenever you can. As you can see CAI-NJ provides our members with many different ways to get involved in the chapter. Please remem- ber to participate and take advantage of your membership throughout the year. If you have any questions or need more information about your membership please feel free to reach out to me at (609) 588-0030 or laura@cainj.org and thank you for your support as a CAI-NJ member! Q
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