July 2024 CT

MAINTENANCE... from page 16.

fare of all the people and homes in the community. Ensuring that all members perform proper maintenance on their homes, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the governing documents, is consistent with that obligation. Therefore, it is through such language that an association’s board can implement policy resolutions to aid in enforcing such upkeep. Over the years, with the assistance of management and legal counsel, associations throughout the State have devel oped a number of resolutions establishing maintenance requirements and schedules for certain common compo nents in community associations. For example, to help reduce the risk of fires, condominiums and other communi ties with attached homes often adopt resolutions requiring owners to have their dryer vents and chimneys inspected and cleaned every year or two. To help reduce the risk of floods, condominiums and other communities with attached homes often adopt resolutions requiring owners to replace their hot water heaters on some defined schedule such as every ten years, or when the manufacturer’s warranty for the component expires. To further mitigate flood risks, associa tions often adopt resolutions requiring owners to replace the

around their home can hurt their neighbors’ ability to enjoy their own properties, and the neighborhood around them. In certain instances, the negative impact from improper maintenance can be substantial, or even life threatening. For example, an owner’s failure to regularly clean their dryer vent line in a condominium building could cause a fire that might burn down their home, and the homes of everyone else in the building.

The governing documents for every community associa tion should require owners to maintain their homes and property. The gov erning documents also impose a duty upon the community association to exercise their pow ers to protect the health, safety, and general wel

“In certain instances, the negative impact from improper

maintenance can be substantial, or even life threatening.”



LEARN WITH LAC A Legislative Update from the New Jersey Legislative Action Committee

Tuesday, September 17 DATE TIME 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Matthew Earle, Esq. Kates Nussman Ellis Farhi & Earle, LLP MODERATOR




JULY 2024

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