July 2024 CT

MAINTENANCE... from page 14.


In most instances, it is through main tenance that one can achieve the full useful life for many items, systems, and components in that home or building. While many homeowners will nat urally take care of the asset that was potentially their single biggest purchase, others may not. There are virtually infinite reasons why some one might not maintain their home properly. For example, some mainte nance may go undone because the

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owner does not know it is necessary. In other instances, the maintenance may just be forgotten because we have all become overscheduled. In some cases, the maintenance may be foregone simply because the owner lacks the funds that are necessary to perform the required work. Whatever the reason, a community association cannot always rely on the individual members to keep up with their mainte nance responsibilities. In community association settings, where people’s homes are often attached, or in close proximity, to another, the lack of proper mainte nance of one home can negatively impact the other homes around them. As an example, an owner’s failure to properly maintain the landscaping

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JULY 2024

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