July 2023
WAZOO... from page 33.
electric bill. In the fine print under “Charges from your utility,” you will see a line Societal Benefits Charge and a rate of $.008932 per kwh. That fee, collected by your utility company, helps to fund low-income customer assistance, weatherization, and energy conservation programs
“A consumer can participate in any or all of the incentives.”
Specialized lending and financial solutions for associations with Truist Association Services .
including the rebates and incentives. For a typical consumer using 200 kwh in a month, the contribution to the Societal Benefit Charge would be $1.78. The State of New Jersey also contributes to the fund. For residential customers, the pro grams offered through the four electric utilities provide the same incentives. A consumer can participate in any or all of the incentives. There is a recycling option to dispose of old inefficient (but still working) refrig erators, freezers, and air conditioners. Consumers can recover $50 for turning in their first unit under this program, and then recover $25 for each additional one. This is not a replacement program. CONTINUES ON PAGE 36
Learn more at Truist.com/AssociationServices. Tavarious Butts, VP / Relationship Manager 703-284-0561 | Tavarious.Butts@Truist.com
Truist Bank, Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender . Loans and lines of credit are subject to credit approval. ©2021 Truist Financial Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Visit the website of CAI-NJ — www.cainj.org.
JULY 2023
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