January 2024
BOARD MEMBER TRAINING... from page 28.
4.Reviewing the maintenance responsibility of the various types of associations, which depends, of course, on their specific governing documents. 5.Reviewing the financial obligations of board members and how they can interact most successfully with the management company accounting. 6.Most importantly, reviewing the governance aspects of being a board member, and how board members can organize and conduct meetings in the most effective way. These general sessions are just that, general, and not intend ed to apply specifically to a given community. However, it is also recommended to conduct training sessions with individu al boards or board members, again, especially those newly elected, which reference the specific governing documents of their association, their finances, and anything else that makes them unique (eg, age-restricted communities). It is encourage d to have interaction during these training sessions and it has been found that board members benefit from not only the input of professional managers, but the input of other board members on the webinar. It is one of the more gratifying things that I do.
2.The legal framework around community associations — this training is not meant to provide legal advice to the boards but rather to give them an understanding of the various statutes and regulations (federal and state), which both provide them the authority to govern their communities, but also limits that authority in important ways. 3.Reviewing the governing documents of the various types of community associations in New Jersey, attempting to provide a road map of what is found in each of these documents and if and how they can be changed.
“...we review the governance aspects of being a board member...”
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