CAI-NJ September 2021

Senator Linda Greenstein, who has several large CICs in her district, was aware of our problem and in April she introduced S3584. Now that we had companion bills, the LAC sent a Call for Action to all CAI members to contact their legislators in support of these bills. Thousands of emails were sent. On June 3 S3584 passed the Senate 35-0. Knowing the Assembly leader- ship and Governor Murphy were not looking favorably on immunity legislation, CAI sent out another Call for Action aimed at informing them of strong public support for the bill and educating them on the nuances of this legislation. On June 24 the Assembly passed the bill, 75-0 and Governor Murphy signed the bill on July 1. Most important to its success was the grassroots campaign of CAI mem- bers and CIC residents notifying mem- bers of the New Jersey legislature and the Governor of how important it was to residents throughout the state. A total of 6,272 advocates sent 25,207 emails to legislators for the campaigns on behalf of the bill. Our lobbyist told me, “Your communities were not only emailing, but they were also making phone calls, talking to the representatives at events, and getting their boards involved. It was the com- bination of all those things that really made your voices heard.” It is also important to highlight the role that CA-PAC and your contribu- tions played in helping set the stage for this legislative victory. What’s CA-PAC ? It’s an independent IRS 527 organization that enables contribu- tions to elected officials who support CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 59

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