CAI-NJ September 2021

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amendment but you should check with your legal counsel on those issues. Check your meeting notices. Your notices likely already address the meeting notice time frames in your governing documents. Nevertheless, remote meeting notices should have all of the necessary information such as the meeting number, passcode, if any, and an option to call in as well. Industry lobbyists are working to try to explore the possibility of making meeting participation by remote means a permanent option for those who may want to do so and not only during a State of Emergency. This way, if at all possible, we may be able to get the State Legislature to let community asso- ciations decide for themselves whether they want meetings all in person, all remote, or some in person and some remotely. After all, boards want to encourage participation and unit owner communication. Offering an option (but not a mandate) for unit owners to appear remotely would likely serve the goals of increasing attendance, participation and communication. Thus, if community associations want to have a remote meeting policy in place, they would be free to do so if they choose. Such a further amendment to call for this option after the State of Emergency is formally lifted would likely provide for greater flexibility. As members of the Community Associations Institute, we al l need to remain continual ly vigilant to protect and preserve our rights and the rights of our communities. After all, for many of us, the unit (and depending on your type of association), the land and common elements are our biggest investment and it needs to be protected. Stay safe and stay well. n

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