CAI-NJ September 2021

TASK FORCE... from page 16.

While the unimaginable circumstance in Surfside, Florida is an extreme exam- ple of a building catastrophe, it is far more common to see parts of buildings suffer sudden collapse, with compo- nents like decks and balconies in partic- ular being subject to latent original con- struction defects and deterioration that is hidden from accessible view. Whether you are an owner or board member of a high rise building along the New Jersey coast, or are responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of a suburban townhome community, these are issues of serious concern as building age. It is clear that the New Jersey Legisla- ture will seek to adopt legislation that mitigates the possibility of building col- lapses. The LAC will use the volunteer experience of numerous CAI members to be a resource to legislators on this issue and will work with legislators with whom the NJ LAC has become a trusted partner. New Jersey is fortunate to have people serving on both the CAI nation- al panels and the LAC subcommittee, enabling ready access to information at both levels. CAI national is also committed to involving LAC s throughout the country, which will be responding to an expected spate of bills likely to arise following the tragedy. If you receive a survey fromCAI nation- al or the LAC seeking your response, each participant’s reply will add an important element to the ongoing effort to bring forth prompt, practical, and efficient solutions to the potential issues that will expand as infrastructure ages if we are not all committed to preventing future tragedies. n

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