CAI-NJ Sept 2020
POOL... from page 26.
bers putting pressure to open pools while COVID-19 is still a risk.” Steve Kroll, a board member of The Fairways Condominium Association in Livingston, NJ, gave some per- spective on how his board handled the pressing issue of reopening their association’s amenities. “Our Board conducted several Board Zoom meet- ings through the management compa- ny’s license. It was very helpful during this time where in-person meetings were not being held due to Covid-19. Our association’s community man- ager, her supervisor, and our associ- ation’s legal counsel attended these meetings. We spent endless hours thinking among ourselves as well as discussing with each other during our Zoom meetings. It primarily focused on the reopening of our amenities (i.e.; clubhouse, pool, tennis & bas- ketball courts). Our deliberations were thoughtful, intense, informative, and frustrating due to the serious nature of the health, legal, insurance, oper- ational, and financial risks that the coronavirus pandemic pose to the association.” Steve emphasizes that the primary reasoning for not reopening amenities is the lack of insurance coverage under their association’s insurance policy. “It specifically excludes cover- age for the defense of, and financial damages awarded due to, a coro- navirus related illness or death. As a result, if a sympathetic jury awarded a large financial settlement to a claimant against the board and association,
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